strlen();获取字符串的长度函数string length strlwr();英文string lowercase;字符串大写字母转化为小写的函数 strupr();英文string uppercase;字符串小写字母转化为大写的函数
Here is the program to convert a string to uppercase in C language, Example Live Demo #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char s[100]; int i; printf("\nEnter a string : "); gets(s); for (i = 0; s[i]!='\0'; i++) { if(s[i] >= 'a' && s[i...
cout << "Original string: " << original_str << std::endl; std::cout << "Uppercase string: " << dest_str << std::endl; for(std::size_t i=0; i<std::size(original_str); ++i) { dest_str[i] = std::tolower(original_str[i]); } std::cout << "Original string: " <<...
Sample Output: Input a string: w3resource Select an option: 1. Convert to uppercase 2. Convert to lowercase 1 Uppercase string: W3RESOURCE --- Input a string: JavaScript Select an option: 1. Convert to uppercase 2. Convert to lowercase 2 Lowercase string: javascript Explanation: In the a...
string processing 字符串处理 srlen 计算入口字符串的净长度 srncmp 比较字符串 structure 结构 structured programming 结构化编程 stub 桩 subclass 子类 subscript 下标 substring 子串 subtracting an integer from a pointer 将指针减去一个整数 subtracting tow pointers 两个指针相减 super class 超类 switch logic...
C program – Conversion of a String from lowercase to uppercase /* C Program to convert Lower case * String to Upper case. * Written by: Chaitanya */#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>intmain(){charstr[25];inti;printf("Enter the string:");scanf("%s",str);for(i=0;i<=strlen(str...
printf("Uppercase string: %s\n",str); return0; } In the above code, we first declare a character array called str with a size of 100. The user’s string is then read using thefgets()method. Thestrupr()method is then used to transform the string to uppercase. Thestrupr()method rec...
- (NSString *)uppercaseString; // 转成大写 - (NSString *)lowercaseString; // 转成小写 5.判断前后缀 后缀:hasSuffix 前缀:hasPrefix: 6字符串拼接 1) stringByAppendingString 简单字符串拼接 2)stringByAppendingPathComponent 拼接路径字符串
(text);// Allocate memory for the resulting string with the same length as the inputchar*result_str=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*str_len);// Loop through each character in the stringfor(i=0;i<str_len;i++){// If the character is a lowercase letter, convert it to uppercaseif(*(...
这时,如果我们调用lowercaseString方法就会实际调用uppercaseString的方法,反之亦然。 然而!在实际应用中,只交换已经存在的两个方法是没有太大意义的。我们应该利用这个特性来给既有的方法添加新功能(听上去吊吊的): 它的实现原理是:先通过分类增加一个新方法,然后将这个新方法和要增加功能的旧方法替换(旧方法名 对...