Answer:The hidden problem with the code above is the use of the function gets(). This function accepts a string from stdin without checking the capacity of buffer in which it copies the value. This may well result in buffer overflow. The standard function fgets() is advisable to use in t...
(argc == 1) { printf("\n Usage \n"); } else { memset(ptr, 0, 10); strncpy(ptr, argv[1], 9); while(*ptr != 'z') { if(*ptr == '') break; else ptr++; } if(*ptr == 'z') { printf("\n String contains 'z'\n"); // Do some more processing } free(ptr); }...
if char a[] = "he", then a[2] = '\0'; to access array with index outside bound causes undefined behavior. 14.difference between #include "string.h" and #include <cstring> the first one is in a C-type way, contents of both are same, but functions in the first one are not in...
此方法接受一个string类型参数,但是却没有检测此数值是否 有足够的空间来拷贝数据。所以这里我们一般用 fgets() 方法将来的更好。 Answer: The hidden problem with the code above is the use of the function gets(). This function accepts a string from stdin without checking the capacity of buffer in w...
2.6 string (Character String) 3. C语言中的线性表实现 3.1 动态数组的实现 3.1.1 基本原理 3.1.2 动态数组的操作 3.1.3 代码示例 3.2 链表的实现 3.2.1 单链表 3.2.2 双链表 3.2.3 代码示例 3.3 循环缓冲区的实现 (Implementing Circular Buffers) 3.3.1 基本原理 (Basic Principle) 3.3.2 数据结构 ...
(3, a, b, c); return 0; } 2、字串定位程序: # include stdafx.h # include iostream # include string using namespace std; int findsubstr (which char * mainstr, which char * substr) { / / which char * p; / / which char * q; / / p = mainstr; / / q = substr; int ...
20. Does there exist any other function which can be used to convert an integer or a float to a string? Some implementations provide a nonstandard function called itoa(), which converts an integer to string. #include char *itoa(int value, char *string, int radix); ...
strcpy( string, str1 ); } } 解答: 试题1字符串str1需要11个字节才能存放下(包括末尾的’\0’),而string只有10个字节的空间,strcpy会导致数组越界; 对试题2,如果面试者指出字符数组str1不能在数组内结束可以给3分;如果面试者指出strcpy(string, str1)调用使得从str1内存起复制到string内存起所复制的字节数...
char string[10]; if( strlen( str1 ) <= 10 ) { strcpy( string, str1 ); } } 解答: 试题1 字符串 str1 需要 11 个字节才能寄存下(包括末尾 旳’\0’),而 string 只有 10 个字节旳空间,strcpy 会导致数组越 界; 对试题 2,假如面试者指出字符数组 str1 不能在数组内结束可以 给 3 分;...
Question 75:Question:Create a C program that checks if a user-entered string is a pangram (contains all English alphabet letters).Expected Output: Question 76:Question:Develop a program that calculates and displays the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two user-entered numbers.Expected Output: ...