C Standard Library 参考手册说明书
the Standard C Library 1992 by P.J. Plauger C 的历史https://zh.cppreference.com/w/c/language/history The GNU C Library (glibc)https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/sources.html The GNU C Library Reference Manual 每个语言的标准库都是集大成的,也是最语言最核心代码的体现,所以无法用几个章节的...
Namespace: stdMacrosIzvērst tabulu MacroDescription __alignas_is_defined A C compatibility macro that expands to the integer constant 1. __alignof_is_defined A C compatibility macro that expands to the integer constant 1.See alsoHeader files reference C++ standard library overview Thread safety...
Every element of the library is defined within the std namespace. Nevertheless, for compatibility with C, the traditional header names name.h (like stdlib.h) are also provided with the same definitions within the global namespace. In the examples provided in this reference, this version is use...
*/ if (isatty(stdn_fn)) /* Tell user to enter data points; maximum = 39. */ puts("Enter data points (-1 to indicate end of list)."); for(;;){ /* Read number; check for end of file. */ if (scanf("%le", &point[index]) <= 0) break; if (point[index] == -1) ...
Including this header ensures that the names declared using external linkage in the Standard C library header are declared in the std namespace.See alsoHeader Files Reference C++ Standard Library Overview Thread Safety in the C++ Standard Library...
using std::mbrtoc16;调整编译选项 有时候,编译选项会影响标准库的可用性。你已经用了-std=c++23,...
Including this header ensures that the names declared using external linkage in the Standard C library header are declared in thestdnamespace. See also Header Files Reference C++ Standard Library Overview Thread Safety in the C++ Standard Library ...
SAIL松鼠抽象图像库 (Squirrel Abstract Image Library),是一个小型,快速且跨平台的图像解码库。 SDL简单直接媒体层 (Simple DirectMedia Layer),是提供输入、音频、绘图等更多功能的跨平台库。 SIGIL Simple2d小型、简单、跨平台的 SDL2/OpenGL 包装,提供绘制、媒体、窗口管理和输入等能力。MIT ...
<stdnoreturn.h>(since C11)noreturnconvenience macro <string.h>String handling <tgmath.h>(since C99)Type-generic math(macros wrapping math.h and complex.h) <threads.h>(since C11)Thread library Time/date utilities <uchar.h>(since C11)UTF-16 and UTF-32 character utilities <wchar.h>...