C Standard Library Reference Tutorial - C is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop the Unix operating system. C is the most widely used
C Standard Library 参考手册说明书
Standard Template Library - An IntroductionBy Alex AllainOne of the later editions to the C++ standard is the Standard Template Library (STL). The STL is a set of abstract datatypes, functions, and algorithms designed to handle user-specified datatypes. Each of the abstract datatypes also ...
Robert C. Seacord introduces C and the C standard library while covering best practices, common mistakes, and open discussions in the C community. Developed in collaboration with other experts from the C standards committee, Effective C will teach you how to debug, test, and analyze C programs...
C language reference C/C++ preprocessor reference C runtime library (CRT) reference Descărcare PDF Learn C++, C, and Assembler Citiți în limba engleză Partajați prin Facebookx.comLinkedInE-mail C language documentation Learn to use C and the C runtime library....
The Complete Reference 4th Edition is Herbert Schildt is an ideal C++ reference. It teaches C as a subset of C++. This book also helps you to illustrates the C++ language with good examples through. It is highly recommended for a reference book of C. Not like other books which teachers on...
M*LIB - Library for generic, but typesafe C containers. Implemented as header-only. BSD-2-Clause offbrand - Collection of generic, reference-counted data structures. MIT PackedArray - Random-access array of tightly packed unsigned integers of any desired width. Has a SIMD-optimized implementation...
Bo Qian's playlist - Boost Library, C++ Standard Library, Modern C++, Advanced C++, Advanced STL, ... The Cherno's C++ Playlist - Extensive C++ tutorial series by The Cherno. Code for Yourself C++ Playlist - A complete C++ course covering everything from fundamentals to software design.Web...
C++ Standard Library, The: A Tutorial and Reference Introduces the C++ standard library and all its components from a conceptual point of view, then describes the details for programming with the standard template library (STL), special containers, strings, numeric classes, and the IOStre... NM...
C and Win32 Tutorial C, Win32 & Unicode Code Examples C and Winsock2 Tutorial C, Winsock 2 and IPv6 Tutorial C and Linux Socket Tutorial C++ and Object Oriented Idea Tutorial C and C++ Standard Library Online Documentation C/C++ and Buffer Overflow ...