速度 预备拍 节拍器 歌手:练习曲 作词: 作曲: 编谱: 类型: 指弹 Guitar Standard Tuning: ①=E ④=D ②=B ⑤=A ③=G ⑥=E Capo:0 调性:C调 速度:50 拍号:4/4 难度: 32.4K 2023-08-22 字体 小 变调夹 不夹1品2品3品4品5品6品0品 ...
Guitar Standard Tuning = 110345671234567123456 1 2 3 01352352 35241351 35 Track 1 6712345671234567112345671 4 5 6 7 57857857 45756857 8 911891181011 23456712345671234567123456 8 9 10 11 8101191112911 1213151714151714 1517141613151713 1517 671234567123456712345671 12 13 14 1719201719201719 ...
Guitar Standard Tuning = 60EmBm7CDGBm7 1 2 0200322030 033300200434 音轨1 EmBm7CGadd9Bm7Em7Bm7 3 4 5 6 7 想跟我吵架... 02003204030 010301310 0203 32420 30403242 CGsus4Dsus4Gadd9Bm7Em7D 8 9 10 11 010333533353335333203320 020303 324233 30200223402300 CGsus4Dsus4CGAm7GBm7B7EmBm7 12...
C Guitar ChordAka: CmajorThe C major triad Chord for Guitar has the notes C E G and interval structure 1 3 5 and has 5 possible voicings/fret configurations.Full name: C major triad Common abbreviations: Cmajor Chord Sound: Chord Structure: Notes C E G Intervals 1 3 5 Tuning...
You might notice strings buzzing when you try this tuning for the first time because all of your strings will be looser than they normally are in standard tuning. If you like this tuning and want to stick with it, you might want to invest in heavier strings or take your guitar to a lu...
Alternate tunings for the guitar An alternate tuning refers to a deviation from the standard guitar tuning (E-A-D-G-B-E). These alternate tunings may come in handy when you want to create a specific sound by tuning the strings to a lower pitch. Drop tunings are one such type of alt...
C Sharp Minor (C#m) Chord on Guitar: 1st Position (v1) Now that you understand the formula used to create a C#m chord, it’s time to play it. One way to play the C#m chord is in the 1st position instandard tuning. To play this version of the C#m chord, you’d place your ...
古典吉他名曲精选系列gustinBarriosMangore(1885-1944)IPHEETMUSICITHTABSLASSICALGUITARRANSCRIPTIONSreludioenDoMayorPreludioenDoMayorAgustinBarriosMangore(1885-1944)PetitPrelude Standardtuning =100 1/2BV23 1/2BV 456 789 1/2BV 101112 1/2BV 13141516 1/1PreludioenDoMayorAgustinBarriosMangore(1885-1944)PetitPrelu...
THE劈头士创建的收藏夹金属内容:带谱演奏 Machine Head - Davidian Guitar Playthrough (Tabs On Screen) (Drop C Tuning),如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
This type of guitar pickup was called ‘the humbucker’ because it 'bucks the hum', i.e., noise, out of the desired guitar signal through phase cancellation of two counter-polarised inductors. When the inductors both induce a common signal, it is induced in opposite polarities by each coi...