There are several things you can do if you cannot change your code to avoid the C/metamethod boundary: If you are using standard Lua, and are compiling it yourself, try patching i...
\n");while(1);pthread_exit(NULL);}intstart_mythread(){returnpthread_create(&handle,NULL,mythread,NULL);}intstart_mythread_lua(lua_State*L){lua_pushnumber(L,start_mythread());return1;}staticconstluaL_Reg testlib[]={{"start_mythread...
#define LUA_TLCF (LUA_TFUNCTION | (1 << 4)) /* light C function */ #define LUA_TCCL (LUA_TFUNCTION | (2 << 4)) /* C closure */ /* Variant tags for strings */ #define LUA_TSHRSTR (LUA_TSTRING | (0 << 4)) /* short strings */ #define LUA_TLNGSTR (LUA_TSTRING | ...
app.get_appinfo)--table: 0x1234 function: 0x5678--(1)f = lanes.gen('*', {required = {'App'}}, thread1)--Lua Error: module 'App' not found: no field package.preload
lua_pushstring(l,"world"); StackDump(l);return2; }intmain(intargc,constchar*argv[]) {usingnamespacestd;interror,error1,error2;stringfname; fname= argv[1]; lua_State*L =luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); lua_pushstring(L,"fuck"); ...
LUA堆栈溢出error堆栈溢出 内存溢出有3种,我们最熟悉的就是堆内存溢出异常,比如我们new一个对象或者数组,如果超出了JVM的heap内存最大限制就会爆出异常 比如: 从这句话我们可以知道,栈内存溢出有2种异常一种是:StackOverflowError、另一种是OutOfMemoryError StackOverflowError是 ...
晚上用cmake生成了一份lua-cjson的工程文件,msvc6的 编译时报错 后来再stackoverflow找到答案:unable to use inline in declaration get error C2054 解决方法: Use __inline with MSVC. inline is a c99 keyword and c99 is not yet (fully) supported with MS...
lua_Debug ar; if (!lua_getstack(L, 0, &ar)) /* no stack frame? */ return luaL_error(L, "bad argument #%d (%s)", arg, extramsg); lua_getinfo(L, "n", &ar); if (strcmp(ar.namewhat, "method") == 0) { arg--; /* do not count 'self' */ ...
Lua是一种轻量级的脚本语言,常用于嵌入式系统和游戏开发中。在C API中使用Lua进行推送(push)和弹出(pop)操作,通常涉及到调用Lua的栈(stack)操作函数。 相关优势 灵活性:Lua脚本语言具有很高的灵活性,可以在运行时动态加载和执行代码。 性能:Lua的轻量级设计使其在嵌入式系统和游戏开发中表现出色。 易用性:Lua的...