网络释义 1. 颈椎双斜位 医学影像常见英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 颈椎正侧位 C-Spine PA & LAT颈椎双斜位C-Spine Dual Oblique胸椎正侧位 T-Spine PA & …|基于25个网页
C-Spine Dual Oblique 颈椎双斜位文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: Fig 2 Huge giant-cell tumor of sacrum. Involving S1-S4, the spine column became oblique.中文: 图2:骶骨巨细胞瘤,侵犯骶1-骶4,造成脊柱向左侧倾斜,利用文中叙述的前后联合入路,肿瘤刮除,局部置管持续化疗....
0.75mm( body 30cm FOV 512X512) Maximum display matrix 1024x1024 FOV 20 ~ 400mm Slice Orientation Sagittal, coronal, transversal, any angle any oblique Image Type T1 Weighted imaging , T2 weighted imaging ,T2* weighted imaging , pr...
Abstract Considering that knowledge about lateral abdominal muscles (LAM) in idiopathic scoliosis (IS) is still very limited, the aims of this study were: (a) to compare LAM thickness and elasticity between C-shaped IS and non-scoliotic population; and (b) to compare LAM thickness and elastic...
spine disc spaces barely visible thru heart Bronchovascular structures seen thru heart Diaphragm: 8th-10th posterior or 5th-6th anterior rib1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 ViewSternum should be seen edge on Spine darkens as you move caudally...
same as RS-542 but with head and full cervical spine RS-543S-T Thyroid-hollow, shell RS-543A-T Thyroid-hollow, active Mammo II Phantom. RSD乳房乳腺模体 A Mammography Teaching/Training PhantomStock # Description RS-750 MAMMO II Phantom w/stand & carrying/storage case ...