Soundlib3 Sound Library SoundLib 3 is an object oriented library for mixing and playing sound files on Win32 systems. You can useDelphi, Lazarus orMicrosoft Visual C++. It handles WAV, OGG, FLAC, MOD/NST/WOW, S3M und XM files, outputs via Output: DirectX and WaveOut, features 3D positio...
This library is an abstraction; however in the delicate balance between performance and power, and API convenience, the scale is tipped closer to the former. Features that only exist in some sound backends are exposed. Features and Limitations Supported operating systems: Windows 7+ MacOS 10.10+...
A C library for reading and writing sound files containing sampled audio data. - libsndfile/libsndfile
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C++ Serial Port Class/Library c++ socket programming bind error C++ standards in Microsoft Visual C++ compilers c++ use an image as the background. C++ When my code asks for my full name it only gets my first name and not last C++/CLI DLL referencing MFC: mfcs140d.lib(dllmodul.obj) : ...
Library sound » cinto来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: dreamzone01 许可: CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述: Gravação para a disciplina de Captação e Edição de Audio do curso Radio, TV e Internet, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, São PauloSP, Brasil.Equipamento usado: TLM...
FMOD::Sound* sound; system->createSound("sfx.wav", FMOD_DEFAULT,0, &sound); 要从磁盘流式传输音频文件而无需将其存储在内存中,请使用createStream()方法: FMOD::Sound* stream; system->createStream("song.ogg", FMOD_DEFAULT,0, &stream); ...
VLA-C DCi Preset Library - R2.0 2.0746.6 KB11月 2023 VLA-C iTech HD Preset Library - R2.0 2.0637.4 KB11月 2023 If any of the links above result in strange characters in your browser, please right-click the file to save it to your computer. ...
一、音视频开发基础 1、音频基础 音频包括:采样率、声道数与声道布局、采样格式、PCM与波形图、音质、...