The C♯ minor triad consists of a root (C♯), third (E), and fifth (G♯). The distance between the root and the third is a minor third interval (or three half-steps), and the distance between the third and the fifth is a major third interval (or four half-steps). Minor ...
In this lesson, we will learn how to play the C sharp minor scale. The three types of minor scales are the natural, melodic and harmonic minor scales. We will take a look at all three of them here. We will learn the notes, intervals and scale degrees of the C sharp minor scale (n...
组成和弦的音一般是调内的音,在调内音阶上的七个音每个音都可以作为根音建立一个三和弦,例如下图中就有C大调在白键上建立的七个三和弦。这些和弦分为三种,一种叫大三和弦(Major triad),三音和根音之间是大三度,如和弦C,F,G,这里的大写字母不是音名是和弦名。一种叫小三和弦(Minor triad),三音是小三...
1957 Taneyev Quintet in G Minor Op.30 41:00 1958 Medtner Sonata-Triad Op.11 25:02 1958 Moscow Radio Serocki Suite of Preludes 10:15 1959-1965 Hindemith Instrumental Sonatas 01:15:19 1960.4.2 Hindemith Piano Sonata No.3 19:56 1960.12.12 Honegger Viola Sonata H.28 17:00 1961.6...
What are thechords in the key of C minor? We shall list triad chords and four note extended chords below in the key of C min. Roman numerals indicate each chord’s position relative to the scale. The notes of theC minor natural scaleare: C D Eb F G Ab Bb ...
c in music theory, designates the c-minor triad c abbreviation of 'cent(s)' c/ abbreviation of calle (Spanish f.: street) c. abbreviation of 'common' (in dictionaries, glossaries, etc.: both masculaine and feminine) _c one-lined c, or middle c, using the 'so-called' German method...
FFT 滤波器效果的图形特性使得绘制用于抑制或增强特定频率的曲线或陷波变得简单。 此效果可以产生高通或低通滤波器(用于保持高频或低频)、窄带通滤波器(用于模拟电话铃声)或陷波滤波器(用于消除小的精确频段)。 预设 Presets 包括:C 大调三和弦 C Major Triad、消除话筒隆隆声 Kill The Mic Rumble、消除齿音 De-...
<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>) Chords must be major or minor triads: >>> c3 = chord.Chord('C4 D4 E4') >>> analysis.neoRiemannian.L(c3) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.analysis.neoRiemannian.LRPException: Cannot perform L on this chord: not a major or...
curvy and curzon dax cuscuta spp cushelloon-back carpe cushings triad cushion correction cushion dashpot cushion for operating cushion ru er cushion series cushion system cushionarea cushioning or neutral cushiony packaging ma cushman cusp tip cuspate fold cuspis posterior valv cust stock no custtrx...
和弦Chord三音和弦Triad节奏Tempo 欢快的:Allegro走路节奏:Andante超级快:Presto慢:Adagio沉重的:Largo / Grave 轻:P (pianissimo) 强:F (Fortissimo) 加速:Accelerando 减速:rallentando, ritardando 渐强:Crescendo 渐弱:Decrescendo 肢体语言:Body language©...