There’s a total of 7 sharps in this scale as seen above. Every note in this scale is sharp. The relative minor of C sharp major is A sharp minor. Let’s now take a look at thechords in the key of C sharp. Each chord is based on one of the notes in the major scale. In ot...
You can also think of dominant 7th chords as being built on the fifth note of a major scale and following that scale’s key signature. For example, C♯7 is built on C♯, the fifth note of F-sharp major, and follows F-sharp major’s key signature (F♯, C♯, G♯, D♯...
Rave刺160 夏普少校(Rave stab 160 BPM F Sharp Major) 器官弦_150 F大调或D小调_(organ chord _150 F major or D minor_) 128 深层住宅和弦(128 Bpm Deep House Chord) 戏剧性的时刻0C_31惯性矩4乙(dramatic moment 0C_31mi4b) 情人巷E钢琴和弦 - 128BPM-D#闽(Lovers Lane E Piano Chords - 12...
C Sharp Minor (C#m) Chord on Guitar: 1st Position (v1) Now that you understand the formula used to create a C#m chord, it’s time to play it. One way to play the C#m chord is in the 1st position instandard tuning. To play this version of the C#m chord, you’d place your f...
English:C# Major 13th Guitar Chord 用第一根手指覆盖从第一琴弦到第五琴弦在第八品格上 你的第二根手指放在第六琴弦的第九品格上 你的第三根手指放在第二琴弦的第九品格上 C#大13和弦吉他和弦中的音符 根音: 升C 三度: F 五度: 升G 大7和弦: C ... WebSocket WebSocket是一种网络传输协议,可在单个TCP连接上进行全双工通信,位于OSI模型的应用层。WebSocket协议在2011年由IETF标准化为RFC 6455,后由RFC 7936补充规范。Web IDL中的WebSocket API由W3C...
English:C# Major 9th Guitar Chord 用第一根手指跨越所有六个字符串在第八品格上 你的第二根手指放在第六琴弦的第九品格上 你的第三根手指放在第二琴弦的第九品格上 你的第四根手指放在第四琴弦的第十品格上 C#大9和弦吉他和弦中的音符 根音: 升C ...
C sharp major seventh Sharp NoteC# rootSharp NoteE# 3rdSharp NoteG# 5thSharp NoteB# 7th x11134Barre 3 with Finger 1FCG#FC# 4frx11243Barre 5 with Finger 1G#C#CFG# 6frxx1113Barre 3 with Finger 1FC#G#C 9frxx2143G#C#FC 11frxx1333Barre 3 with Finger 3C#FCG# ...
The C#7 (or C Sharp Seventh) chord has a brash, bright-yet-heavy sound. The chord itself contains three sharps and its seventh note adds a layer of intrigue. When played together, it has a punchy, clanging tone that conveys a sense of urgency. When played as anarpeggio- breaking down...
3. Choose the “Chord qualities” (major, minor, etc.) 4. Click “Display” Popular songs to play with the C#m piano chords Frank Sinatra – All the Things You Are Start free trial Author of this blog post: Susana Pérez Posada