You can also think of dominant 7th chords as being built on the fifth note of a major scale and following that scale’s key signature. For example, C♯7 is built on C♯, the fifth note of F-sharp major, and follows F-sharp major’s key signature (F♯, C♯, G♯, D♯...
描述:128 BPM Chord Lead in C Sharp Major. This sample is free for anyone to use but if you find it useful, please think about a small donation through Paypal: to fund future samples. We also offer a tailor made sampling service, just drop us a message on her...
Rave刺160 夏普少校(Rave stab 160 BPM F Sharp Major) 器官弦_150 F大调或D小调_(organ chord _150 F major or D minor_) 128 深层住宅和弦(128 Bpm Deep House Chord) 戏剧性的时刻0C_31惯性矩4乙(dramatic moment 0C_31mi4b) 情人巷E钢琴和弦 - 128BPM-D#闽(Lovers Lane E Piano Chords - 12...
Guitar Chord C#maj13 Songs with this chord C#maj13 C sharp major thirteenth Sharp Note C# rootSharp Note E# 3rdSharp Note G# 5thSharp Note B# 7thSharp Note D# 9thSharp Note A# 13th x11134Barre 4 with Finger 1FCD#A#C# 4frxx1243C#CA#F 6fr111113Barre 5 with Finger 1A#FC#G#D...
To play the C#m chord, you’ll play C#, E, and G# together. Loading... C Sharp Minor (C#m) Chord on Guitar: 1st Position (v1) Now that you understand the formula used to create a C#m chord, it’s time to play it. One way to play the C#m chord is in the 1st position ...
Piano Lesson 110 - F-sharp Major and Minor Pentascale - Hoffman Academy 145 1 14:02 Piano Lesson 41 - E Major & Minor Pentascale - Hoffman Academy 43 -- 15:49 Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 105 - B-flat Major & Minor Pentascale 45 -- 9:36 Piano Lesson 68 part 2 - Improvisin...
C Dominant Seventh Sharp Nine Chord Change the root and the type to get an instant visual representation of how the chord looks. Select a root C♭ C C♯ D♭ D D♯ E♭ E E♯ F♭ F F♯ G♭ G G♯ A♭ A A♯ B♭ B B♯ Select a type Major Minor Power ...
FFT 滤波器效果的图形特性使得绘制用于抑制或增强特定频率的曲线或陷波变得简单。 此效果可以产生高通或低通滤波器(用于保持高频或低频)、窄带通滤波器(用于模拟电话铃声)或陷波滤波器(用于消除小的精确频段)。 预设 Presets 包括:C 大调三和弦 C Major Triad、消除话筒隆隆声 Kill The Mic Rumble、消除齿音 De-...
Chord vi – A sharp minor (notes: A# – C# – E#) Chord vii – B sharp diminished (notes: B# – D# – F#) Learn more about the chords in the key of C sharp major here. Modes of the C sharp major scale: Ionian/Major Scale: C♯, D♯, E♯, F♯, G♯, A♯, ...
每个调都有一个核心音,叫主音,白键组成的大调音阶主音是C,一般称为C大调自然音阶(C natural major scale),白键组成的小调音阶主音是A,一般称为a小调自然音阶(a natural minor scale)。我们注意这七个音之间的音程关系,会发现C与B之间是半音即相邻,E与F之间也是半音,其他相邻的音之间都包含一个黑键或音程是...