1. 简单的IO流读写文件 先来看一部分代码:class Program { static void Main(string[] args){ var directory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();var program = File.Open("../../../Program.cs", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);// program = File.Open("Program.cs", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);var buffers =...
CreateScriptCompilation(String, SyntaxTree, IEnumerable<MetadataReference>, CSharpCompilationOptions, CSharpCompilation, Type, Type) Creates a new compilation that can be used in scripting. CreateTupleTypeSymbol(ImmutableArray<ITypeSymbol>, ImmutableArray<String>, ImmutableArray<Location>, ImmutableArray<Null...
Add() AddRange(Icollection c) Remove() RemoveAt() Clear() Contains() ToArray() Sort() 排序\Reverse();//反转 Hashtable 键值对的集合,类似于字典,Hashtable在查找元素的时候,速度很快。 Add(object key,object value); hash[“key”] hash[“key”]=“修改”; .ContainsKey(“key”); Remove(...
Allow sort option to be supplied to update commands (updateOne, etc.) -CSHARP-5201 Disabled TLS renegotiation when possible -CSHARP-2843 Fix a bug in discriminator convention inheritance -CSHARP-5349 New Serializers for ImmutableArray and other immutable collections -CSHARP-5335 ...
stopwatch.Restart(); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder((int)(sLen * Loops * 1.1)); for (i = 0; i < Loops; i++) sb.Append(sSource); sDest = sb.ToString(); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"String Builder took {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms."...
⚠️ We have updated the default generator used by autorest --csharp to the new version V3, which uses @autorest/csharp package and it will have few side effects:It will generate code based on the .NET SDK guidelines, which will be totally different than the code generated by V2 ...
1、C# csharp Microsoft为.NET推出的高级编程语言。.NET是微软的多语言开发平台,用于构建和运行应用程序。 Mono是Novell公司支持在其他操作系统之下开发.NET程序的框架,而不是只适用于Windows。Unity借助Mono实现跨平台,核心是.NET Framework框架。 这样子Unity借助Mono实现跨平台开发。
Append text in the first line of files Appending bytes to filestream object in c# Appending space '0x20' in a byte array after a specified position Application Attempting to Veto Shutdown Application crash error code 0xc0000374 offset 0x00000000000f1280 in ntdll.dll Application crash with the Er...
Reverse().ToArray());//C#的二进制是反的 } /// /// BigInt导出byte整数首字节>0x7F的会加0前导,保证正整数,因此需要去掉0 /// static public byte[] BigB(BigInteger bigx) { byte[] val = bigx.ToByteArray().Reverse().ToArray();//C#的二进制是反的 if (val[0] == 0...
var old = NoSql.MongodbManager<LoggerContext>.Instance.Find(i => i.RootId == item.Values.ToArray()[0].ToString() && i.ParentId == null).FirstOrDefault(); timer.Add(old.AddTime); str.Append(""); str.AppendFormat("{0}{1}{2}" , old.Url , old...