There’s a total of 7 sharps in this scale as seen above. Every note in this scale is sharp. The relative minor of C sharp major is A sharp minor. Let’s now take a look at thechords in the key of C sharp. Each chord is based on one of the notes in the major scale. In ot...
3rdSharp NoteG# 5thSharp NoteB# 7th x11134Barre 3 with Finger 1FCG#FC# 4frx11243Barre 5 with Finger 1G#C#CFG# 6frxx1113Barre 3 with Finger 1FC#G#C 9frxx2143G#C#FC 11frxx1333Barre 3 with Finger 3C#FCG# This chord can be found in the following songs: ...
Chord vi – A sharp minor (notes: A# – C# – E#) Chord vii – B sharp diminished (notes: B# – D# – F#) Learn more about the chords in the key of C sharp major here. Modes of the C sharp major scale: Ionian/Major Scale: C♯, D♯, E♯, F♯, G♯, A♯, ...
|14|[RickeyBoy/Rickey-iOS-Notes](|一些笔记和收获,README 就是目录|379|0|2024-04-28| |15|[SurveyCake/webhook](|How to use SurveyCake webhook|16|0|2024-01-23| Expand Down 28 changes: 14 additions & ...
Songs with this chord Gmaj7#11 G major seventh, sharp eleventh Whole Note G rootWhole Note B 3rdWhole Note D 5thSharp Note F# 7thSharp Note C# #11th oo1123Barre 2 with Finger 1GDF#C#BG xx1243C#GBF# 5frxx1243GC#BF# 9frx11234Barre 4 with Finger 1C#BGF#B 10frx11324Barre 5 with...
CHOPRO Chord Pro 노래 형식 (Mussoft) CHORDPRO OnSong, ChordPro 노래 가사 CHP CodeHealer 프로젝트 파일 (SOCK Software, LLC) CHP DVD 챕터 파일 CHP FLOWer (Pallas Athena) CHP Ventura Publisher 장 (Corel) CHP 특허용 비즈인트 스마트 차...
|6|[TheAlgorithms/C-Sharp](|All algorithms implemented in C#.|6364|2|2024-05-05| |7|[ks233/ja-learner](|📖简易日语学习 / 视觉小说阅读辅助工具|554|2|2024-03-10| |4|[YSGStudyHards/DotNetGuide](https:/...
constant chord height constant contribution constant declarator s constant dollar accou constant drying condi constant field theory constant hereditabili constant humidity lin constant interectopic constant movement constant of arrangeme constant pointers constant pressure dif constant rate creeep constant regio...
Put together a "soup" of notes and scales to get chord suggestions that fit your requirements. The chord finder requires at least three constrains. Example: 2 notes and one chord, 1 note and 2 scales, etc. The chord finder shows you chords that have the notes you want and that sound ...
Since the chord contains the notes of the tonic, it seems logical to label the chord I6/4. However, this label implies that the chord is somehow functioning as a tonic. Unfortunately, while the label may appear to classify the chord, it obscures the actual harmony and the function of ...