Notes:XXH3_64is unseeded (seeded variant is 1 cycle/h higher).bulkis 256000 bytes: this means it is mainly a cache-bound performance, not reflective of high-load situations.GB/sshould not be misinterpreted asGiB/s.cycles/hmeansprocessor clock ticks per hash value, including overhead. Measur...
There are physical limits to material efficiency, and once we start to reach them then the scale effect of growth drives material use back up in the long run. For instance you might be able to produce a wooden table more efficiently, but you can’t produce a table out of nothing. In t...
chart scale chart small correctio chart subdivision chart symbol chart title check by summation checked-uplake checkerboard system checking datum mark check mode check station check survey chemical dodge chemical retouching chengmen town chiaroseuro chiefray china chindo chinese antarctic cen chinese cultur...
⚠️Code quality warning:This section contains projects and notes I created when I was first learning how to draw graphics with C#. They work, but likely have poor code quality. I share them here in case someone may find them useful, but they should certainly not be deeply studied or ...
the bare qcd coupling constant and the scale \(\mu \) results from dimensional regularisation. the square of the form factor (ff), \({{\hat{f}}}_q\) , encodes pure virtual contributions to \(q + {{\overline{q}}} \rightarrow l^+ l^-\) while the soft-collinear function, \(\...
The approximation in the last step is due to the large energy hierarchy: the time scale of the dynamics of the subsystem \(S_A\) is much larger than that of B(t) under consideration. Alternatively, this can be thought of as taking the zeroth order the \(H_A\). As a consequence, ...
compare to static loa compared notes compared to all the g compared to other col compared to other dis compared to previous compared together compared with convent compared with women compares two files or comparion of instant comparision among fou comparison and resear comparison and resear compariso...
Notes You would need to re-indexing supporting material and re-deploy the application after enabling GPT-4V support if you have already deployed the application before. This is because enabling GPT-4V support requires new fields to be added to the search index.To enable GPT-...
(eds) Asymmetric Catalysis on Industrial Scale: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions (Wiley-VCH, 2010). Yoon, T. P. & Jacobsen, E. N. Privileged chiral catalysts. Science 299, 1691–1693 (2003). Article CAS Google Scholar Walsh, P. J. & Kozlowski, M. C. (eds) Fundamental of ...