Material Safety Data Sheet or SDS for UREA-13C 58069-82-2 from chemicalbook for download or viewing in the browser
Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. If inhaled If breathed in, move person into fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Consult a physician. In case of skin contact Wash off with soap and plenty of water. Consult a physician. In case of eye ...
1.3Detailsoftherofthesafetydatasheet Company:Sigma-Aldrich 3050SpruceStreet SAINTLOUISMO63103 USA Telephone: Fax: 1.4Emergencytelephonenumber EmergencyPhone#:(314)776-6555 2.HAZARDSIDENTIFICATION 2.1Classificationofthesubstanceormixture GHSClassificationinaccordancewith29CFR1910(OSHAHCS) ...
Chemical Safety Data Sheet MSDS / SDSCucurbitacin CRevision Date:2024-11-02Revision Number:1 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Product identifier Product name: Cucurbitacin C CBnumber: CB51469911 CAS: 5988-76-1 Synonyms: Cucurbitacin C Relevant ...
SAFETY DATA SHEET C. difficile TEST KIT Date of issue - 01/10/2004. DR1107The Oxoid C. difficile Test Kit is a rapid and simple latex agglutination test for the early identification of C. difficile and is ideally suited toscreening selective and enrichment broth cultures. The test can also...
sigma-c共6 aldrich安全数据表.pdf,SIGMA-ALDRICH SAFETY DATA SHEET Version 5.5 Revision Date 04/30/2015 Print Date 12/13/2015 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Product identifiers Product name : (−)-Catechin Product Number : C0567 Brand : Sigma
一、Material Safety Data Sheet物质安全数据表 MSDS即Material Safety Data Sheet(物质安全数据表),中文名为化学品安全技术说明书。美国、加拿大、澳洲及亚洲多国一般称MSDS,欧洲及ISO称为SDS(Safety Data sheet,安全数据表)。MSDS(SDS)是在贸易过程中,化学品生产商或销售商向客户提供的一份详细的物质或混合...
1.3Detailsoftherofthesafetydatasheet Company:Sigma-Aldrich 3050SpruceStreet SAINTLOUISMO63103 USA Telephone: Fax: 1.4Emergencytelephonenumber EmergencyPhone#:(314)776-6555 2.HAZARDSIDENTIFICATION 2.1Classificationofthesubstanceormixture GHSClassificationinaccordancewith29CFR1910(OSHAHCS) ...
MSDS即Material Safety Data Sheet(物质安全数据表),中文名为化学品安全技术说明书。美国、加拿大、澳洲及亚洲多国一般称MSDS,欧洲及ISO称为SDS(Safety Data sheet,安全数据表)。MSDS(SDS)是在贸易过程中,化学品生产商或销售商向客户提供的一份详细的物质或混合物的理化参数、燃爆性能、毒性和环境危害以及安全使用、...
DONOR-C安全技术说明书英文版2 Safety Data Sheet (NOHSC:2011)Material: 60003427 SILANE CHM-DIMETHOXY Version: 1.3 (AU) Date of print: 03.11.2009 Date of last alteration: 02.02.2009 Page: 1/8 1 Identification of the material and supplier 1.1 Name of substance/preparation Com...