In his last weeks of earthly life, Lewis puttered around the Kilns (“I rarely venture further afield than a stroll in the garden,”he wrote), answering letters and revisiting his personal library. “I doubt whether I can ever leave this house again,” he wrote on October 29. “What ...
> 我来写笔记 > C. S. Lewis - A Life 作者: Alister McGrath 副标题: A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet isbn: 1414339356 书名: C. S. Lewis - A Life 页数: 448 定价: USD 24.99 出版社: Tyndale 装帧: Hardcover 出版年: 2013-2-18...
7 Lewis the author 8 Personal life 9 Joy Davidman 10 Quotes 11 Bibliography 11.1 Nonfiction 11.2 Fiction 11.3 Poetry 12 Accolades 13 References 14 External links Early life The second son of Albert James Lewis, a solicitor, and Flora Augusta Hamilton Lewis, whose father was a Church of Irela...
In this revealing look at the life of C. S. Lewis, go behind the scenes to see the sites he knew so well, and to meet those who knew Lewis personally. C. S. Lewis is remembered as a scholar, teacher, and writer. He's also been called one ...See more ...
C.S. Lewis. Writer: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. C.S. Lewis was born in 1898 and brought up in a very strict, religious household. While he was quite young, his mother died of cancer but the "stiff upper lip" in favour
The article reviews the book "C.S. Lewis: Life, Works and Legacy," 4 vols., edited by Bruce L. Edwards.D'AlessandroPortlandPaulPortlandLibrary JournalEDWARDS BRUCE L.C.S Lewis:life, works, and legacy.. 2007C.S Lewis:life, works, and legacy. EDWARDS BRUCE L. . 2007...
S. Lewis. Lewis's relationships with women in his personal life were often estranged, and his works frequently display a predominant view of women as inferior. Each of Lewis's major fictional works shows evidence of sexism, though such evidence lessens in frequency and prominence with each ...
C.S. Lewis | "Stop Telling What's Going on in Your Life" | C.S. Lewis Literature: The motivational speech emphasizes the importance of privacy, wise communication, and spiritual discernment to foster personal growth, emotional stability, healthy relation
C.S. Lewis, Irish-born scholar, novelist, and author of about 40 books, many of them on Christian apologetics, including The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity. However, he is perhaps best known for the seven children’s books that constitute The Ch
Whether in the realm of reason or imagination, in personal or public life, Lewis maintained, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen-not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开 ...