Writer: C. S. Lewis, Ireland It’s a book series of seven books. The stories are about Narnia, a mysterious land where animals walk and trees can talk. Humans sometimes enter this world by chance. Kids who go to Narnia in the stories meet all kinds of magical creatures (生物), inclu...
近日,英国利兹大学官网称,在“托尔金-戈登”收藏中发现了英国作家C.S.刘易斯的一首被遗忘的诗。这首诗从未出现在刘易斯的任何文集中,揭示了作家本人与中世纪研究学者戈登夫妇之间的私人友谊。新发现的刘易斯的诗作。(图源:利兹大学官网)编译丨申璐 C.S.刘易斯是英国20世纪著名的文学家和批评家。这首最新发现的...
It's a series of seven books.The stories are about Narnia,a mysterious (神秘的) land where animals walk and trees can talk.Humans sometimes enter this world by chance.Kids who go to Narnia in the stories meet all kinds of magical creatures (生物),including witches (女巫) and giants.In ...
纳尼亚传奇1-7册全集 英文原版小说 The Chronicles of Narnia 魔法师的外甥 狮子女巫和魔衣橱 C.S. Lewis刘易斯 进口英语书籍 C. S.刘易斯代表作 卡耐基文学奖 点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥328.00 降价通知 限时抢 暂无评分 14人评分精彩评分送积分 ...
S. Lewis. UK It’s a series of seven books. The stories are about Narnia, a mysterious (神秘的) land where animals walk and trees can talk. Humans sometimes enter this world by chance. Kids who go to Narnia in the adventure stories meet all kinds of magical creatures (生物), ...
纳尼亚传奇1-7全套盒装 英文原版小说 Chronicles of Narnia Box Set 青少年文学 C. S. Lewis刘易斯 the Witch and the Wardrobe 纳尼亚传奇全7册 电影封面版 点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥428.00 降价通知 限时抢 暂无评分 1人评分精彩评分送积分
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C.S. Lewis. Writer: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. C.S. Lewis was born in 1898 and brought up in a very strict, religious household. While he was quite young, his mother died of cancer but the "stiff upper lip" in favour
纳尼亚传奇英文8册盒装全套Chronicles Narnia 小说原著青少年课外读物英国魔幻说书Lewis 刘易斯儿童读物原版书 券后价¥142 在售价¥142 发货地:湖北 武汉满100减20满200减50满300减80满600减160满450减120满50减5满1200减320满900减23020 元优惠券 使用期限:2025-03-03去天猫领券手机...