(ˈsæləst) n (Biography) full nameGaius Sallustius Crispus.86–?34 bc, Roman historian and statesman, noted for his histories of the Catiline conspiracy and the Roman war against Jugurtha Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publisher...
Escher once said, “He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder.” Escher’s art draws the viewer into a sense of wonderment. His most ‘popular’ print, “Day and Night,” took thistransformationalconcept in two directions simultaneously—the gradual transformation from day to night...
6.(Biography)New Testament a.James,James the GreatMJewishRELIGION: apostleRELIGION: saintknown asJames the Great.one of the twelve apostles, a son of Zebedee and brother to John the apostle (Matthew 4:21). Feast day: July 25 or April 30 ...
单项选择题 He was also responsible for publishing Dorothy Wordsworth's diaries and wrote a ground-breaking ( ) of her. A、autobiography B、biography C、geography D、wikipedia 点击查看答案&解析 你可能感兴趣的试题 多项选择题1944年《巴特勒法案》的主要内容有()。 A.废除中央教育局,设教育部。B....
17 -Playback: Bob Dylan Goes Electric – Again!Fifty years ago, Dylan and the Band went electric at Austin's Municipal Auditorium- (Austin Chronicle) from Scott Miller, Douglas Schlachter Other 18 -The Bridge (Danish/Swedish TV series)- (Wikipedia) from Scott Miller ...
Chuck Lewis, then Washington Bureau Chief of Hearst newspapers, praised C-SPAN as a “terrific concept that brings us ‘inside-the-Beltway’ types smack into reality with the public outside of Washington.” C-SPAN also took its show on the road in 1993, launching the C-SPAN bus with a ...
Norman Lewis(1912.12.-2006.9)作家,英文文法专家,词典编纂者和词源学家。获得哥伦比亚大学硕士学位,在哥伦比亚大学读书期间写了自己的第一本书(Journeys ThroughWordland )。 Lewis在英语语言能力范围内为领军人物,出版了多本畅销书:30 Days to a More PowerfulVocabulary ,W...
华纳·巴克斯特(Warner Leroy Baxter)|en.wikipedia 在种种非议声中,莫尼斯还是因为这种手术获得了1949年的诺贝尔生理或医学奖,这无异于是对前脑叶切除术最强大的广告,将这种癫狂带向了最高潮。真可谓“合六州四十三县铁,不能为此错也”。 亡羊补牢 面对种种异...
King: A Biography Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King at FBI headquarters fourteen years ago may never be known. Did the director warn the SCLC leader of the dangers of... David L. Lewis - The University Press of Kentucky 被引量: 3发表: 2013年 Jerez: inundaciones The article offers infor...
Propaganda Powers Social Reform: The Visual Rhetoric of Lewis Hine, Dorothea Lange, and Norman Rockwell. This thesis is a study of the visual rhetoric of Lewis Hine, Dorothea Lange, and Norman Rockwell. The claim is Hine, Lange, and Rockwell's artwork is prop... SS Halling - Utah State...