正则表达式,又称规则表达式,(Regular Expression,在代码中常简写为regex、regexp或RE),是一种文本模式。它可以用来检查一个字符串是否符合某个规则,或者从一个字符串中提取出符合某个规则的子串。正则表达式通常被用来检索、替换那些符合某个模式(规则)的文本。 正则表达式是由普通字符(例如字符 a 到 z)以及特殊字符...
2.1. Kernels CUDA C extends C by allowing the programmer to define C functions, called kernels, that, when called, are executed N times in parallel by N different CUDA threads, as opposed to only once like regular C functions. A kernel is defined using the __global__ declaration speci...
regfree():When a memory address associated with a preg that was allocated by theregcomp()function needs to be freed and the preg is no longer a compiled regular expression, we utilize the regfree() function. regerror():This function is used to return an error message when theregcomp()or...
Nameof - Header-only C++17 library provides nameof macros and functions to obtain the simple name of variable, type, function, macro, and enum. [MIT] Ponder - A C++11 library for reflection. [MIT] REFLECT - C++20 Static Reflection library. [MIT] reflect-cpp - Serialization through reflectio...
credit check function credit control and ac credit days credit equivalent amo credit expansion credit for the credit guraranty credit inquiry credit leave passage credit limit check credit list credit manage door credit management pur credit memo code credit memo for retur credit my account credit of...
core fixture wire coregular representat core height coreinformationtechno core insulating tub core insulating tube core insulation core insulator coreiron core key core lamination corelessvalve core limb core loop antenna coreloss coremaking operatio coremaking operation core material core molding material ...
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compileregular expression\n"); return 1; } const char *test_string = "abbbcde"; ret = regexec(®ex, test_string, 0, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0) { printf("Match\n"); } else if (ret == REG_NOMATCH) { ...
c/c++语言具备一个不同于其他编程语言的的特性,即支持可变参数。 例如C库中的printf,scanf等函数,都支持输入数量不定的参数。printf函数原型为 int printf(const char *format, …); printf("hello world");///< 1个参数printf("%d", a);///< 2个参数printf("%d, %d", a, b);///< 3个参数 测...
cxlua folder: exposes ccxx function blocks in lua, lua_run.h is the main entry. Other third-party packages include (cxhiredis.h (closed by Redis), cxtinyxml.h (Xml file read and write), cxrapidjson.h (regular expression), lz4.h (compression and decompression)) ...
completely offline wo completely regular fi completely silent completely unique des completely unmasked completelyspecifiedde completeness of descr completeness or adequ completeparalysis completeprohibitionan completespareparts completesystem completevagotomy completing tasks completion of uniform ...