第一个问题:如何测试进程对于内存的访问情况? 第二个问题:改成寄存器变量之后,为什么实际内存访问量远远低于512MB? 第三个问题:有没有更精确的办法直接measure loop函数的内存访问 结论 参考 最近在关注ARMv8系统中内存访问的测试和性能问题。 关于内存访问的测试用例有一些,包括likwid, sysbench, lmbench, mbw等等。...
void file_fread(char *fileName) { long count; int *buffer; FILE *fp; if((fp = fopen(fileName, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("can't open file %s\n", fileName); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fseek (fp, 0 , SEEK_END); count = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); buffer =(int *) malloc(size...
if(!(pbKeyBlob = (PBYTE)malloc(dwKeyBlobLen))) { MyHandleError( TEXT("Memory allocation error.\n"), E_OUTOFMEMORY); } //--- // Read the key BLOB from the source file. if(!ReadFile( hSourceFile, pbKeyBlob, dwKeyBlobLen, &dwCount, NULL)) { MyHandleError( TEXT("Error r...
When executing the instructions in this README, please usegmakeinstead ofmaketo use the newly installed version of make. To build the glibc (Linux) on macOS, you will need to build within a case-sensitive file system. The simplest approach is to create and mount a new disk image with a ...
在Readme 里介绍了他们为什么选择 Rust : https://github.com/lowRISC/opentitan/blob/master/sw/host/rom_ext_image_tools/signer/README.md 该项目中其他比较有用的资源: RISC-V Assembly Style Guide :https://docs.opentitan.org/doc/rm/asm_coding_style/ ...
// read the input file and build the map of lines to line numbers TextQuery::TextQuery(ifstream &is): file(new vector<string>) { string text; while (getline(is, text)) { // for each line in the file file.push_back(text); // remember this line of text int n = file.size() ...
8boolMyEncryptFile( LPTSTR szSource, LPTSTR szDestination, LPTSTR szPassword);voidMyHandleError( LPTSTR psz,intnErrorNumber);int_tmain(intargc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {if(argc <3) { _tprintf(TEXT("Usage: <example.exe> ") TEXT("<destination file> | <password>\n")); _tprintf(TEXT("...
最简单的解决方案是在 MEMORY 部分下合并 MEMORY 部分。 例如创建 RAMLS1_4来替换此处定义的4个独立 RAM 段。 http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/C28x_Compiler_-_Understanding_Linking#Q:_In_the_linker_command_file.2C_can_I_combine_continuous_flash_blocks_into_one_s...
This is a simple program that reads a file "hello.txt" into a dynamically allocated buffer, initially of size 10 (doubled in size whenever it is filled up) When running valgrind, there appears to be a memory leak, but I'm not sure what the issue is. I free'd the buffer's memory...
Shipping the libs as headers means you normally just compile them straight into your project without making libraries, thus sidestepping that problem. Making them a single file makes it very easy to just drop them into a project that needs them. (Of course you can still put them in a ...