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A General Synthesis for Mono- C -Functionalized Tetrazamacrocycles A new synthesis, under usual conditions of concentration, medium, and temperature, of a series of mono- C -functionalized tetraazamacrocycles is given. The method may easily be generalized. The new procedure allows the modification ...
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Analytic Dermoscopy of Superficial Basal Cell CarcinomaGérald E. PiérardGerald E, Pierard, Pierard-Franchimont Claudine, Hermanns Jean-Francois, Caucanas Marie, and Delvenne Philippe. "Analytic dermoscopy of superficial basal cell carcinoma." Journal of Case Reports in Medicine 2013 (2013)....
In order to simulate the formation of NO from fuel Nitrogen and to have a better understanding of the interaction between nitric oxide with hydrocarbon radicals, NH 3 and NO have been added to methane oxygen premixed flame established under low pressure. Formation and destruction of NO have been...
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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