Cinnamic acid 3- 14 C is obtained with a 86 % overall yield. Purified by sublimation, it is chromatographically homogenous in three solvent systems. Specific activity 10 mCi/mM.Herbert, MRochas, GPichat, LJournal of Labelled Compounds
P. CrassousLaboratoire Arago 66650 Banyuls‐sur‐Mer, FranceJ. NeveuxLaboratoire Arago 66650 Banyuls‐sur‐Mer, FranceF. RassoulzadeganStation Zoologique 06230 Villefranche‐sur‐Mer, FranceJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdInternationale Revue Der Gesamten Hydrobiologie Und Hydrographie...
根据拼音写词语。(1)我什么也没有看见!这可真是hài rén tīng wén___。(2)皇帝赐给骗子“御聘织师”的tóu xián___,封他们为爵士。(3)众皆è rán___,四
在SPSS的两配对样本T检验,如何分析检验结果Paired Samples Statistics Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error MeanPair 1 B1=±æÈÏ¾É´Ê 89.7500 40 9.67087 1.52910 B2=±æÈÏÐÂ
根据汉语拼音写出汉字。①miǒn___怀 ②亵dú___③wén___丝不动 ④不xiè___置辩。
根据汉语拼音写出汉字。①miǒn___怀 ②亵dú___③wén___丝不动 ④不xiè___置辩。
According to the method for preparing frothed milk or café crème, milk concentrate or coffee concentrate is mixed with water, using a venturi chamber. The venturi chamber comprises a water inlet, a concentrate inlet and an outlet. Further, a whirl chamber, located downstream of the venturi ...
Different polyamino or polyol groups have been introduced at the surface of the dendrimer in the aim of improve their water solubility. Further investigations of these dendrimers toward their biocompatibility and cell cytotoxicity are in progressL'...
N. Thibautcanadian journal of zoologyBoilly B, Thibaut N. Etude histologique de la regeneration pharyngienne de Syllis gracilis Grube (Annelide, Polychete). Can J Zool. 1974;52:169-77.Boilly, B. & N. Thibaut, 1974. Étude histologique de la régénération pharyngienne de Syllis gracilis...
Besides considering twisting deformations, we also explore the possibility of creating band gap when graphene nanoribbons are subject to inhomogeneous deformation such as sinusoidal deformations.doi:10.1142/9789814383721_0013Pernicek, OtiliaInternational Journal of High Speed Electronics ...