1cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.1)234SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER /usr/bin/clang)5SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/clang++)67#set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -pthread -lrt -D_GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP")8add_definitions(-std=c++11)9101112# ---13#1.setname14project(lib_udp)1516171819# ...
Error - undefined reference to 'pthread_create' with C program in GCC Linux Missing ampersand/address of (&) in scanf() (C language Error) Too few arguments to function (C language Error) C FAQ - Can we initialize structure members within structure definition? What happens if we use out ...
然后,从 Bazel 的 GitHub 存储库中检索示例项目:git clone https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples 本教程的示例项目位于 examples/cpp-tutorial 目录中,结构如下: examples └── cpp-tutorial ├──stage1 │ ├── main │ │ ├── BUILD │ │ └── hello-world.cc │ └── WORKSPACE ├─...
AfxGetThread() returns NULL pointer to pThread in winmain.cpp afxwin1.inl ASSERT error in AfxGetResourceHandle() already defined in .obj Alternative for strptime() AlwaysCreate -> unsuccessfulbuild ambiguous symbol An error occurred while creating or opening the C++ browsing database file... Any...
Brief tutorial CMake-tutorial-pdf.pdf from cmake.org CMake - Sample 1 Here are some steps of runningCMake: Put the sources (bogo.c) in a directory. In this example, ~/Work/bogo/bogo.c /* bogo.c */ #include <stdio.h> int main() ...
retval - 返回线程的值。 此例程会终止线程。pthread_exit函数永远不会返回。如果未分离线程,则可以使用 pthread_join 从另一个线程检查线程 ID 和返回值。注意:返回指针 *retval 不得属于本地范围,否则一旦线程终止,它将不复存在。 转载于Linux Tutorial: POSIX Threads (cmu.edu) ...
pthread_join(p_thread* id, void** return_value); Where, p_thread*id = pointer to the thread id of the thread that has to be finished (child thread) void**return_value= reference to the return value from the child thread(worker function ) ...
Finally go to VisualGDB Project Properties and add “pthread” and “wiringPi” to the library names so that your module is actually linked against the wiringPi library: Now that we have added the sethigh(), setlow() and makeoutput() methods to our module, we will modify the Python scri...
6)到对应目录下执行make最后会出现pthread和dl相关的库函数未定义的问题,因为编译时没有加上这些库函数的链接参数,需要在build目录下的CMakeCache.txt文件中配置CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS的参数,加上 -lpthread -ldl。就可以解决未定义错误的问题。 博客中最后的问题我未遇到。但我遇到了下面这个问题。