C: A Reference Manual (5th Edition)豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:This best-selling, authoritative reference manual provides a complete description of the C language, the run-time libraries, and a style of C programming that empha_sizes correctness, portability,
W. "Programming in C− A Tutorial." Unpublished internal memorandum, Bell Laboratories, 1974. 一、词法规约(Lexical conventions) C语言(C74)存在6种标记(token): 标识符(identifier), 关键字(keyword), 常量(constant), 字符串(string), 表达式操作符(expression operator), 其他分隔符(other ...
UNIX.Finally,‘‘ProgramminginC−ATutorial,’’byB.W.Ker- nighan[6],isasusefulaspromisedbyitstitleandtheauthor’spreviousintroductionstoallegedlyimpenetrablesub- jects. 2.Lexicalconventions Therearesixkindsoftokens:identifiers,keywords,constants,strings,expressionoperators,andotherseparators. Ingeneralblanks...
「K&R C」:1978 年,Dennis Ritchie(丹尼斯·里奇,C 语言之父,UNIX 之父)和 Brian Kernighan(布莱恩·科尔尼干)合作推出了《The C Programming Language,C 程序设计语言》的第一版(按照惯例,经典著作一定有简称,该著作简称为 K&R),书末的参考指南(Reference Manual)一节给出了当时 C 语言的完整定义,成为那时 C...
W. ''Programming in C− A Tutorial.'' Unpublished internal memorandum, Bell Laboratories, 1974. - C Reference Manual - 26 1. Expressions. APPENDIX 1 Syntax Summary expression: primary * expression & expression − expression ! expression ˜++exlpvarelusseion −− lvalue lvalue ++ lvalue...
– 作者 Derek M. Jones《使用标准 C 语言进行面向对象编程》(Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI-C )– 作者 Axel-Tobias Schreiner《编写零缺陷的 C 语言代码》(Writing Bug-Free C Code) – 作者 Jerry Jongenius最后,如果你想买一本权威参考书,请认准《C程序设计语言》(The C Programming Language...
Ritchie, D. M., "c Reference Manual," unpublished memorandum, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1973.RITCHIE DM. C Reference Manual [EB/OL]. http:∥cm. belllabs. com/cm/cs/who/dmr/cman. ps, 1979.Ritchie, Dennis M. "C reference manual." Programming Languages. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ...
From the Book:This text is a reference manual for the C programming language. Our aim is to provide a complete discussion of the language, the run-time libraries, and a style of C programming that emphasizes correctness, portability, and maintainability.We expect our readers to already understan...
"C: A Reference Manual":这本书是C语言标准的权威参考手册,详细介绍了C语言的语法规范和各种库函数的使用方法,适合希望全面了解C语言特性的程序员。 "Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets":该书由Peter Van Der Linden撰写,主要介绍了一些C语言的高级技术和编程技巧,对于希望成为C语言专家的程序员来说是一本...
To read this C programming book, you need to have some familiarity with basic programming concepts like variables, assignment statements, loops, and functions. The book includes detailed information about the C language reference manual. It also helps you in syntax notation, declarations, scope rules...