Kernighan / (美)Dennis M. Ritchie 出版社: 机械工业出版社 出品方: 华章科技 副标题: 第2版·新版 原作名: The C Programming Language 译者: 徐宝文 / 李志译 / 尤晋元(审校) 出版年: 2004-1 页数: 258 定价: 30.00元 装帧: 平装 丛书: 计算机科学丛书 ISBN: 9787111128069 豆瓣评分 9.4 5184...
丹尼斯·里奇(Dennis Ritchie):C语言之父 丹尼斯·麦卡利斯泰尔·里奇(Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie)是一位美国计算机科学家,与长期合作伙伴肯·汤姆森一起创建了C编程语言。他被认为是塑造和开创数字时代的人物。今天,C编程语言被广泛应用于多个软件应用程序、嵌入式系统开发、操作系统,并影响了大多数现代编程语言。 里奇...
Kernighan / Dennis M. Ritchie 出版社: 机械工业出版社 副标题: (英文版·第2版) 原作名: The C Programming Language 出版年: 2006-8 页数: 272 定价: 35.00元 装帧: 平装 丛书: 经典原版书库 ISBN: 9787111196266 豆瓣评分 9.6 619人评价 5星 83.7% 4星 13.7% 3星 2.1% 2星 0.3% 1星 0.2% ...
1978年,第一版《C程序设计语言》(The C Programming Language)由里奇和布莱恩·克尼汉(Brian Kernighan...
The C programming Language By Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. Published by Prentice-Hall in 1988 ISBN 0-13-110362-8 (paperback) ISBN 0-13-110370-9
Right:Dennis Ritchie, developer ofC The C Programming language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 while he was working at AT&T (then known as Bell Telephone Laboratories). Ritchie based his new C language on a prior one called B, which was written by his colleague Ken Thompson. By 1973...
Dennis M. Ritchie 第1版前言 The C Programming Language, Second Edition C语言是一种通用的程序设计语言,其特点包括简洁的表达式、流行的控制流和数据结构、丰富的运算符集等。C语言不是一种“很高级”的语言,也不“庞大”,并且不专用于某个特定的应用领域。但是,C语言的限制少,通用性强,这使得它比一些公认...
C programming language was developed between 1969 and 1973 by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. He uses this new programming language to re-implement UNIX operating system. C is a high-level structured oriented programming language used for general-purpose programming requirements. Basically, C is a col...
The history of C programming language is quite interesting. C was originally designed for and implemented on the UNIX operating system on the DEC PDP-ll, by Dennis Ritchie. C is the result of a development process that started with an older language called BCPL. BCPL was developed by Martin...
This Second Edition of The C Programming Language describes C as defined by the ANSI standard. Although we have noted the places where the language has evolved, we have chosen to write exclusively in the new form. For the most part, this makes no significant difference; the most visible chan...