因为所有的算术操作符(Arithmetic operators),其实就是所有的操作符,只接受32位或者64位的操作数。a作为一个16位无符号数,先要转换成32位无符号数,然后才能执行取反操作。 结果自然是前16位全部为1。 这个可能看上去很容易避免,比如我可以这样: #include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;#include<stdio.h>intmain(){...
2.5 Operators and Expressions50 2.5.1 Arithmetic Operators52 2.5.2 Assignment Operators54 2.5.3 Increment and Decrement Operators57 2.5.4 The sizeof Operator58 2.5.5 The Comma Operator59 2.5.6 The conditional operator59 2.5.7 Bitwise Operators60 2.5.8 ...
C++ program to demonstrate the example of arithmetic unary operators #include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;intmain(){inta=10;intb=-10;// printing the valuescout<<"a:"<<a<<endl;cout<<"b:"<<b<<endl;// unary plus operationscout<<"+a:"<<+a<<endl;cout<<"+b:"<<+b<<endl;// unary...
Arithmetic operators 算术运算符将标准的数学运算应用于其操作数。 Operator Operator name Example Result + unary plus +a the value of a after promotions - unary minus -a the negative of a + addition a + b the addition of a and b - subtraction a - b the subtraction of b from a ...
Arithmetic Expressions Operator Precedence Integer Arithmetic and the Unary Minus Operator The Modulus Operator Integer and Floating-Point Conversions The Type Cast Operator Assignment Operators A Calculator Class Exercises 5 Program Looping The for Statement Keyboard Input Nested for Loops for Loop Variants ...
C has a wide range of operators to perform various operations. C Arithmetic Operators An arithmetic operator performs mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc on numerical values (constants and variables). OperatorMeaning of Operator + addition or unary plus -...
Example: Arithmetic Operators in CThe following example demonstrates how to use these arithmetic operators in a C program −Open Compiler #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int op1 = 10; int op2 = 3; printf("Operand1: %d Operand2: %d \n\n", op1, op2); printf("Addition of op1 and ...
C Program showing working of different arithmetic operators in Citstudentjunction
3.9SpecialOperators61 3.10ArithmeticExpressions63 3.11EvaluationofExpressions64 3.12PrecedenceofArithmeticOperators65 3.13SomeComputationalProblems67 3.14TypeConversionsinExpressions68 3.15OperatorPrecedenceandAssociativity72 3.16MathematicalFunctions74 ReviewQuestions78 ProgrammingExercises81 4ManaginginputandOutput...