Write a C program to add two integer numbers.Sum of Two Numbers:The sum of any two numbers is the addition of the value of the two given numbers. In C language, the addition of any number is done by using the arithmetic operator. This operation can be performed on various data types ...
This program will find the difference of two integer numbers. Difference is quite different from subtraction, in subtraction we just subtract second number from first number and here to get difference we will subtract smallest number from largest number, so that we can get correct difference of ...
Program to reverse a String Number Crunching Program to find Average of n Numbers Armstrong Number Checking input number for Odd or Even Print Factors of a Number Find sum of n Numbers Print first n Prime Numbers Find Largest among n Numbers Exponential without pow() method Find whether numbe...
C program to print gcd of two numbersitstudentjunction
C program to arrange row elements in ascending order C program to arrange column elements in ascending order C program to find the frequency of even numbers in matrix C program to find the sum of main and opposite diagonal elements of a matrix ...
Lets write a C program to find GCD(Greatest Common Divisor) or HCF(Highest common Factor) and LCM(Least Common Multiple) of 2 user entered integer numbers.
/* C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { int n, reverse=0, rem,temp; printf("Enter an integer: "); scanf("%d", &n); temp=n; while(temp!=0) { rem=temp%10;
Points to Remember In the algorithm using addition and division and XOR, if the values are very big, it can result in integer overflow. In the algorithm using division and multiplication, if one of the values is zero, the product will become zero and the algorithm will fail. ...
printf("\40: Program will stop if input value less than 50.\n");while(again){printf("\40:Please input number>");scanf("%d",&num);printf("\40:The square for this number is %d \n",SQ(num));if(num>50) againTRUE;else againFALSE;}} 【程序47】题目:宏#define命令练习(2)程序源...
printf("Sum: %d",sum); /* Displays sum */ return 0; } 输出 Enter two integers: 12 11 Sum: 23 4、C语言实现两个小数相乘 源代码: /*C program to multiply and display the product of two floating point numbers entered by user. */ ...