初始化哈希表 hashtable*/Status HashInsert(LLNptr hashtable[], Record e);/*将记录插入哈希表 hashtable 中*/Record* HashSearch(LLNptr hashtable[], Record e);/*根据记录关键字查找:若有则返回指向该记录的指针,否则返回 NULL*/Status HashTraverse(LLNptr hashtable[]);/*遍历哈希表*/ LinkList.c ...
for (i = 0; i < length; i++){ if (copy_str[i] == delim){ copy_str[i] = '\0'; str_array[j++] = copy_str + i + 1; } } return str_array; } // hashtable.h1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ...
using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; namespace ComputeAHash_csharp { /// <summary> /// Summary description for Class1. /// </summary> class Class1 { static void Main(string[] args) { string sSourceData; byte[] tmpSource; byte[] tmpHash; sSourceData ...
tmpHash字节数组现在保存源数据的计算哈希值(128 位值=16 字节)。 将类似这样的值显示为十六进制字符串通常很有用,以下代码可实现以下操作: C# Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(tmpHash));staticstringByteArrayToString(byte[] arrInput){inti; StringBuilder sOutput =newStringBuilder(arrInput.Length);for(i=...
在Visual C# 中。 NET,默认情况下会创建Class1.cs。 在 Visual C# 中,默认情况下会创建Program.cs。 using使用代码后面的SystemSystem.Security.Cryptography这些命名空间中的指令和System.Text命名空间,这样就不需要限定这些命名空间的声明。 这些语句必须在任何其他声明之前使用。
Below is a simple program (demo.c) that demonstrates using all the functions of the API. It counts the frequencies of unique, space-separated words from standard input, and prints the results (in an arbitrary order, because the iteration order of our hash table is undefined). It ends by ...
Description: This program creates a hash table that inserts 7 values using the quadratic probing method By: randerson112358 */ //Libraries #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> //The size of the hash table # define SIZE 7 //NOTE: for the quadratic probing method, the size must be a pr...
clustered hash index clusterhedche clustering approach clustering for mining clusterspring clutch disc hub clutch disc plate clutch drag clutch foot rest clutch housing cover clutch housing end pl clutch housings clutch liningclutch l clutch master cylinde clutch of undeath clutch output shaft clutch rel...
computer proce ing op computer program computer programmes r computer punch card computer science for computer science orac computer signal computer software mai computer stealing computer supported ma computer tables and c computer technolowgy computer telephony re computer testing cont computer vod system...
closeio/ciso8601 - Fast ISO8601 date time parser for Python written in Cwatmough/jwHash - Simple hash table implementation for C.rui314/minilisp - A readable lisp in less than 1k lines of Clavoiesl/osx-cpu-temp - Outputs current CPU temperature for OSX...