CPU调度(CPU Scheduling)和上下文切换(Context Switching)是操作系统管理CPU资源、优化程序执行效率的两个基本机制。这些机制确保了多任务环境下,各个进程和线程能公平、高效地共享CPU资源。 2.4.1 CPU调度 CPU调度是指操作系统决定哪个进程或线程应该获得CPU控制权、以及它们获得控制权的顺序的过程。调度算法的目标是优化...
FCFS Disk Scheduling:disc_sche_fcfs.c SCAN Disk Scheduling:disc_sche_scan.c C-SCAN Disk Scheduling:disc_sche_cscan.c Installation To run these programs locally, follow these steps: Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/your-github-username/OS-fundamentals.gitcdOS-fundamentals ...
FCFS RWLock - First-come first-served Readers/Writers lock for POSIX threads. CC0-1.0 Libaco - A blazing fast and lightweight C asymmetric coroutine library. Apache-2.0 libconcurrent - Concurrent programming library, using coroutines, for C11. BSD-3-Clause libcsp - High performance concurrency ...
In previous post we learnt about simple disk scheduling policy called first-come first-serve. In this post we are about to explain one another disk scheduling algorithm which is widely accepted i.e. Shortest SeekRead More… 01Apr/18 FCFS Scheduling April 1, 2018OSdisk-scheduling, disk-sche...
FCFS RWLock - First-come first-served Readers/Writers lock for POSIX threads. CC0-1.0 Libaco - A blazing fast and lightweight C asymmetric coroutine library. Apache-2.0 libconcurrent - Concurrent programming library, using coroutines, for C11. BSD-3-Clause libcsp - High performance concurrency ...
2.2.A computer system has a 16-bit virtual address space for a total of 64 Kbytes. Suppose the page size is 8 Kbytes, and thus the virtual address space of a process consists of 8 pages. A page table entry (PTE) has a 9-bit frame number, a valid bit, and a writable bit (11 ...
FCFS RWLock - First-come first-served Readers/Writers lock for POSIX threads. CC0-1.0 libconcurrent - Concurrent programming library, using coroutines, for C11. BSD-3-Clause libdill - Library which makes structured concurrent programming easy. MIT libhl - Library implementing a thread-safe API ...