// C program to calculate the area of Cube#include <stdio.h>floatcalcuateAreaOfCube(floatside) {floatresult=0.0F; result=6.0*side*side;returnresult; }intmain() {floatside=0;floatarea=0; printf("Enter the length of side: "); scanf("%f",&side); area=calcuateAreaOfCube(side); printf...
To check her answers she wants to use a program which will for some state of cube tell if it's possible to solve it using one rotation, described above. Cube is called solved if for each face of cube all squares on it has the same color. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubik's_Cube...
STM32CubeMX FATFS 挂载两个设备,前言数据保存是所有项目的基本功能,但是对于STM32C8T6的原flash进行操作,一方面大小有可能不够,另一方面单片机的运行程序本来就放在这个里面,所以还是外接的好。这里选用w25Q128FLASH存储器,参考实现简单读写。作为一个初学者,技能都
When acting in the sink role, the X-CUBE-TCPP selects the highest and closest power profile to the value indicated by the binary file from the power profiles available on the source. For source applications, the expansion board is plugged onto an STM32 Nucleo development board (NUCLEO-G071...
printf (" toes= % d,toes square: % d,toes cube=%d \n",toes,toes*toes,toes*toes*toes); getchar(); return ; } 6.编写一个能够产生下列输出的程序: SmilelSmilelSmilel SmilelSmilel Smilel 在程序中定义一个能显示字符串smile !—次的函数,并在需要时使用该函数。 答: 1=1 • #include...
RUN 1: Enter the length of side: 2.4 Volume of Cube is: 13.824001 RUN 2: Enter the length of side: 10.23 Volume of Cube is: 1070.598999 RUN 3: Enter the length of side: 12.0 Volume of Cube is: 1728.000000 ExplanationIn the above program, we created two functions calcuateVolumeOfCube(...
volume=Cube(num++); 如果Cube是一个函数,上面的写法是可以理解的。但是,因为Cube是一个宏,所以会产生副作用。这里的擦书不是简单的表达式,它们将产生意想不到的结果。它们展开后是这样的: volume=(num++)*(num++)*(num++); 很显然,结果是10*11*12,而不是10*10*10; ...
运行STM32CubeMX软件 File->new Project->Commercial Part Number输入STM32H743VIT6(根据实际型号自己挑选); 根据搜索结果选中STM32H743VIT6->Start Project; 此处忽略如何配置,根据实际开发需求进行配置; 选择cmake生成工程。 3 工程添加cmake文件(可选,新版本STM32CubeMX已经支持CMake工程生成) ...