int16_t b = 0; int32_t c = 0; int64_t d = 0; // 前面加u,表示unsigned,无符号 uint32_t e = 0; printf("int8 size is %d\n",sizeof(int8_t)); printf("int16 size is %d\n",sizeof(int16_t)); printf("int32 size is %d\n",sizeof(int32_t)); printf("int64 size is...
uint32_t dummy2; }file_t;/*Similarly to `file_t` create a type for directory reading too*/typedefstruct{/*Add the data you need to store about directory reading*/uint32_t dummy1; uint32_t dummy2; }dir_t; /*Create a type to store the required data about your file.*/typedef FIL...
由于Turbo C++ 3等旧编译器不支持64位整数类型,于是zlstdint也做了相应调整——若发现编译器不支持64位整数类型,便不会定义标准64位整数类型(int64_t、uint64_t、int_least64_t……)及相应宏(INT64_MAX、UINT64_MAX……),且intmax_t等最大整数类型被限制为32位。为了检测这种情况,zlstdint提供了Z_STDINT_...
可采用宏定义TSWAP (t,x,y)或SWAP(x, y)交换两个整型或浮点参数: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 #defineTSWAP(type,x,y)do{\ type _y=y;\ y=x;\ x=_y;\}while(0)#defineSWAP(x,y)do{\ x=x+y;\ ...
__aicore__ inline void Init(GM_ADDR x, GM_ADDR y, GM_ADDR z, uint32_t totalLength, uint32_t tileNum) { ASSERT(GetBlockNum() != 0 && "block dim can not be zero!"); this->blockLength = totalLength / GetBlockNum(); this->tileNum = tileNum; ASSERT(tileNum != 0 && "tile...
type _Ctype_size_t = _Ctype_ulong type _Ctype_uchar uint8 type _Ctype_uint uint32 type _Ctype_ulong uint64 type _Ctype_ulonglong uint64 type _Ctype_void [0]byte 为了提高 C 语言的可移植性,更好的做法是通过 C 语言的C99 标准引入的**``**头文件,不但每个数值类型都提供了明确内存大小,而...
[C语言]浮点数转解析--Float --〉uint32_t 2020-06-28 17:07 −... 星辰陪衬 0 4853 python bytes、int、str、float互转 2019-12-13 15:06 −1.bytes转化为int 函数格式:int.from_bytes(bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False) s1 = b'\xf1\xff' print(int.from_bytes(s1, byteorder='big...
参数列表中的变量类型限定符__gm__,表明该指针变量指向Global Memory上某处内存地址,注意这里的入参只能支持指针或C/C++内置数据类型,样例里指针使用的类型为uint8_t,在后续的使用中需要将其转化为实际的指针类型。 Ascend C编程模型中的核函数采用内核调用符<<<...>>>来调用,样例如下: kernel_name<<<block...