gplot++ - Cross-platform header-only C++ plotting library that interfaces with Gnuplot. [MIT] matplotplusplus - C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization. [MIT] website morphologica - C++ header-only graphing and data visualization with modern OpenGL. [Apache-2.0] website...
Language:All Sort:Most stars Profactor/cv-plot Star164 fast modular opencv plotting library opencvcppdiagramplotplottingcplus UpdatedJan 16, 2023 C++ nayuki/Simple-DEFLATE-decompressor Star78 Code Issues Pull requests Simple compliant DEFLATE decompressor in Java, Python, C++, TypeScript. ...
: L.C.’s Library. Charlottesville 1981. Google Scholar D. Stündel: Phantastik bei L.C.: Realität und Mechanismus (in: C. W. Thomsen/J.M. Fischer (Hgg.): Phantastik in Literatur und Kunst. Darmstadt 1980. 237–254). Google Scholar ...
library(ggplot2) # Grammar of graphics 设置主题 接下来,为了方便起见,作者在绘图前设置好了主题,并将该函数命名为my_theme。 这一部分在第一篇推文[]给出,代码将在文末中完整代码给出。 手动修改大部分面板,具体可以参考本篇文章[2]。或者观看我在 B 站发布的《R 语言可视化教程》,里面也有一些简单主题设...
# Listing 20.1 - Plotting the centroides from a k-mean cluster analysis fit <- kmeans(iris[1:4], 3) means <- fit$centers library(reshape2) dfm <- melt(means) names(dfm) <- c("Cluster", "Measurement", "Centimeters") dfm$Cluster <- factor(dfm$Cluster) ...
course such as seafoo course team course title physical courseplotting coursescalloping coursescompleted coursetelemeteringcha court conciliation court decree court fame and fortun court feel court historian court house court of assize court of final appeal court shoes court wench courte pointe courtesy ca...
county class governme county lever power su county library county magistrate and county of colusa county of dorset county of dublin county of fayette county of greene penn county of kristiansta county of los angeles county of new castle county of trinity county road 184 county tourism econom coun...
core-plot - A 2D plotting lib which is highly customizable and capable of drawing many types of plots. CSPieChart - iOS PieChart Opensource. This is very easy to use and customizable. DDSpiderChart - Easy to use and customizable Spider (Radar) Chart library for iOS written in Swift. Dr...
The previous library version consisted of two major modules: theCMarketBookclass for working with the Market Depth and a graphical panel that rendered it. The code has been changed and improved greatly. A number of bugs have been fixed, while the graphics part of the Market Depth now has its...