Referring to a vaccine comprising an Antigen selected from an alpha toxoid Clostridium perfringens, an antigenic Fragment of alpha toxoid from C. perfringens, an inactive antigenic Fragment of alpha toxin of Clostridium perfringens and combinations thereof. The Vaccine may also contain one or more ...
Recombinant Clostridium perfringens plc/Phospholipase C/Alpha-toxin, C-His 价格¥1880 起批量≥1支 最小起订1支 供货总量999999支 发货地址湖北省武汉市 建议售价¥1880/支 更新日期2025年01月20日 产品规格100 μg 即时洽谈立即询价查看联系方式
A型产气荚膜梭菌(魏氏梭菌) 价格: 价格电议 产品详情:英文名称 Anti-CPa(Clostridium perfringens alpha toxin)中文名称A型产气荚膜梭菌(魏氏梭菌)别名 PLC (phospholipasae C)浓度... 纯度:详见说明书% 包装规格:0.2ml/200μg 1ml/1mg 用途:产品仅用于科研实验 用途:产品仅用于科研实验 货号:BJ-K4987 品牌...
Define C perfringens. C perfringens synonyms, C perfringens pronunciation, C perfringens translation, English dictionary definition of C perfringens. Noun 1. clostridium perfringens - anaerobic Gram-positive rod bacterium that produces epsilon toxin; can
perfringens alpha toxin antibodies in the different groups at the different ages. At the age of two weeks, the seroprevalence of alpha toxin was 45% and 66% in veal and conventional BB respectively. This difference was not significant. In beef calves, a smooth transition from maternal to ...
C perfringens alpha toxin C Phil C Plus Plus C Plus Plus C Plus Plus C Plus Plus C Plus Plus C Plus Plus C Plus Plus C plus plus programming language C plus plus programming language C Pound C power supply C Pre-Processor C preprocessor C preprocessor C program C program C Programmer'...
重组CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS PLC/PHOSPHOLIPASE C/ALPHA-TOXIN 蛋白, C-HIS推荐供应商 我要询价 普健生物(武汉)科技有限公司 联系电话:027-87008169 17762441161 电子邮件 CB指数:58 网址 相关信息:产品目录(9848) 用户评价 公司动态:感恩同行,共创辉煌 | 普健生物年终总结...
Epsilon Toxin from C. perfringens #126A #126A由上海拜力生物科技有限公司供应,该产品简介:Clostridial Toxins, Other Alpha Toxin from C. septicum, Liquid Alpha Toxin from C. septicu...
THE KINETIC ANALYSIS OF HEMOLYSIS BY CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS (CL. WELCHII) ALPHA-TOXIN (PHOSPHOLIPASE C). 1963. The kinetic analysis of hemolysis by Clostridium perfringens (Cl. welchil) alpha-toxin (phospholipase C). J. Biochem. 54 : 301–311... IKEZAWA HIROH - 《Journal of Biochemistry...
DetectionandAnalysisofNucleotideSequenceofAlpha-toxinGeneofClostridiumperfringensTypeC YEGui-sheng 青海大学高层次人才引进项目(2008-QGC-9)。 冶贵生(1977-),男,回族,新疆乌鲁木齐人,副教授,博士, 从事动物病原生物学的研究。 2011-08-12 19682 @@[10]GRASSERKDGRILLSDUROUXMetal.HM...