A C-peptide test shows how much insulin your body makes and helps your doctor tell the difference between whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Your doctor will use the test results to figure out if and how much insulin you need to control yourblood sugar levels. A C-peptide test...
【2】Milionis C, et al. Future clinical prospects of C-peptide testing in the early diagnosis of gestational diabetes. World J Exp Med. 2024;14(1):89320. 【3】WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. Preparation, calibration and evaluation of the First International Standard for human...
Wahren J. C-peptide:new findings and therapeutic implications in diabetes [ J ]. Clin Physiol Funet Imaging,2004,24 (4) :180-189.John W.C-peptide:new findings and therapeutic implications in diabetes.Clin Physil Funct Imag. 2004Wahren J.C--peptide:new findings and therapeutic implications ...
[1]Jones AG, Hattersley AT. The clinical utility of C-peptide measurement in the care of patients with diabetes. Diabet Med. 2013 Jul;30(7):803-17. [2]Akinlade AT, Ogbera AO, Fasanmade OA, Olamoyegun MA. Serum C-peptide assay of patients with hyperglycemic emergencies at the Lagos ...
成人隐匿性自身免疫糖尿病(latent autoimmune diabetes in adults,以下简称LADA)是指临床早期不依赖胰岛素治疗,以胰岛β细胞遭受缓慢的自身免疫损害为特征的糖尿病类型。LADA兼有1型糖尿病(T1D)和2型糖尿病(T2D)的特点,但在遗传背景、自身免疫反应、胰岛功能衰退...
[6] A.G. Jones, and A.T. Hattersley, The clinical utility of C-peptide measurement in the care of patients with diabetes. Diabet Med 30 (2013) 803-17. 明 日 预 告 国内外指南均推荐二甲双胍作为T2DM患者控制高血糖的一线用药和联合治疗中的基本用药。如在生活方式干预基础上单独使用二甲双胍治...
[2] Taylor PN, Collins KS, Lam A, et al. C-peptide and metabolic outcomes in trials of disease modifying therapy in new-onset type 1 diabetes: an individual participant meta-analysis. Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology...
c-peptide 美 英 n.联接肽 网络C肽;胰岛素连结胜肽 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 联接肽