C library functions Literals Directives Comments Embedded CICS® statements Embedded SQL statements The C/C++ parser is an extension of the LPEX C/C++ parser. The C/C++ parser provides the following features: View filters:you can filter the lines that appear by language element. For example, ...
cparser is a recursive descent C99 parser written in C99. It contains a preprocessor, lexer, parser, constructs an AST and does semantic analysis. It acts as a frontend to the libFirm intermediate representation library. This way optimization and code generation is performed. The compiler supports...
CTPL (which stands for C Template (Parser) Library) is a template engine library written in C and distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. It allows fast and easy parsing of templates and fine control over template parsing environment. More information can be found on-line at the ...
1. inih:这是C语言小巧的库,更适合嵌入式开发; 2. iniparser:这是C语言的库,挺方便使用的,开源,两个.h文件和两个.c文件,但只能在Linux中使用; 3. simpleini:这是C++的库,挺方便使用的,跨平台,开源,就两个.h文件和一个.c文件,且支持中文; 所以最后我选择了simpleini这个库去学习使用! 一、介绍 1. ...
PageParserFilter PageStatePersister PageTheme 配对 ParseChildrenAttribute ParseRecorder PartialCachingAttribute PartialCachingControl PersistChildrenAttribute PersistenceMode PersistenceModeAttribute PostBackOptions PostBackTrigger ProfileServiceManager PropertyConverter PropertyEntry RegisteredArrayDeclaration RegisteredDisposeScr...
Simple JSON parser which I can include in my code size_t: redefinition; different basic types sleep less than a milisecond? sleep(int) Small string optimization buffer size in Visual Studio 2015 sockaddr.sa_data[14] socket error : Debug Assertion Failed ! -- f:\dd\vctools\vc7libs\ship\...
compressed index compressed parser compressed pseudo-cod compressed serial lin compressed serial lin compressed slip compressed symbolic d compressed texture compressed textures compressed two-dimens compressed video vs f compress file compression decompres compressionexpansion compression algidityi compression algo...
IVsLaunchPadOutputParser IVsLibrary IVsLibrary2 IVsLibrary2Ex IVsLibrary3 IVsLibraryMgr IVsLibraryReferenceManager IVsLiteTree IVsLiteTreeEvents IVsLiteTreeList IVsLongIdleEvents IVsLongIdleManager IVsMacroRecorder IVsMacros IVsManifestReferenceResolver IVsMatcherDataInfo IVSMDTypeResolutionService IVsMenuEdito...
correctedprobit correctedtooth correcting billing re correcting parser correcting their atti correction angle correction control correction errors correction marks correction of typists correction tra former correctional officer correctional sercarna correctional services correctionoftidalzoni correctionrange correction ...
MvcCSharpRazorCodeParser() 初始化MvcCSharpRazorCodeParser()类的新实例。 属性 展开表 Context 此类型/成员支持.NET Framework基础结构,不应直接从代码中使用。获取或设置ParserContext。 (继承自ParserBase) CurrentLocation 此类型/成员支持.NET Framework基础结构,不应直接从代码中使用。获取当前实例的当前位置。