有几种不同的方式来设计C的表达式剖析器。许多商业的编译器用一种由parser-generator创建的table-driven parser。尽管table-driven parser一般来说要快过其他方式,但却很难手工构建。为了开发简易的C解释器,在这里我们使用递归-继承剖析器(recursive-descent parser.) 一个递归-继承剖析器本质上是一大堆处理表达式的互相...
许多商业的编译器用一种由parser-generator创建的table-driven parser。尽管table-driven parser一般来说要快过其他方式,但却很难手工构建。为了开发简易的C解释器,在这里我们使用递归-继承剖析器(recursive-descent parser.) 一个递归-继承剖析器本质上是一大堆处理表达式的互相递归的函数。如果是在编译器里,那么剖析器...
参考资料 最后想介绍几个资料: Let’s Build a Compiler 很好的初学者教程,英文的。 Lemon Parser Generator,一个语法分析器生成器,对照《编译原理》观看效果更佳。 由于本人水平一般,文章、代码难免会有错误,敬请批评指正! 最后祝你学得愉快。 发布于 2022-02-21 16:38 ...
毫无疑问,表达式剖析器是C解释器中单一的最重要的部分。因为C语言定义表达式的方式比其他语言更加粗鄙,所以用大量的代码组成的C源文件来实现表达式剖析器。有几种不同的方式来设计C的表达式剖析器。许多商业的编译器用一种由parser-generator创 lua c语言解释器...
PackCC is a parser generator for C. Its main features are as follows:Generates your parser in C from a grammar described in a PEG, Gives your parser great efficiency by packrat parsing, Supports direct and indirect left-recursive grammar rules....
pos: the Node::Pos this parser will start parsing at.A Node::Pos has three read-write attributes: filename, line_num, col_num. Default is nil, 1, 0.Note that the type names the parser has seen affects the parser! For example, consider:a...
calltree - static call tree generator for C programs The calltree command parses a collection of input files (assuming C syntax) and builds a graph that represents the static call structure of these files. Calltree is similar to cflow(1) but unlike cflow(1), calltree is not based on lint...
CSharp使用ANTLR4生成简单计算Parser ANTLR简介 ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. It's widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks. From a grammar, ANTLR generates ...
(1), but does not list the return types of the functions. This is because calltree includes an own C parser and thus may be used even on systems that don't have lint(1). The disadvantage is that the C parser that is used by calltree is not completely correct and may not find all...
如果想要调试解析器的话,你可以添加编译参数-DTEST_OPTION_PARSER 如下 ,定义了这个宏之后,解析器会...