neoformans capsule is used during phenotypic testing to help understand the effects of different treatments on the yeast or size differences between strains. Here, we describe one of the standard methods of capsule induction and detail two accepted methods of staining: (i) India ink, a negative ...
Figure 1Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) India ink staining and culture. A: India ink staining of CSF showed typical round encapsulated cryptococcus neoformans ×400. B: Cryptococcal culture: cream-colored mucoid colonies were seen on blood agar plates after CSF culture for 5 days (The pictures are orig...
(cryptococcus neoformans ) 高危險群 AIDS 器官移植 糖尿病 India Ink test postive for cryptococcus infection 與鴿糞有關 治療用Amphotericin B, Fluconazole 水腦是最常見的併發症 腦膿瘍(Brain abscess) 1.可由臨近器直接擴散 2.可由遠方感染源經血液傳播 3.電腦斷層可見打藥後環形顯影影像 (ring enhancement...