C小调曼陀林大7和弦 又称为 Cm(maj7), Cm(+7) English:C Minor, Major 7th Mandolin Chord用第一根手指覆盖从第一琴弦到第四琴弦在第五品格上 你的第二根手指放在第二琴弦的第六品格上 你的第三根手指放在第一琴弦的第七品格上 C小大7和弦曼陀林和弦中的音符 根音 : C 小3和弦 : 升D 五度 : ...
Select guitar chord: majorminor57111366/97/67b57b97sus499b5add9aug(+)dim(o)m6m7m9maj7maj9mmaj7sus413b97#59#119#5m6/9m7b5m9maj7maj(b5)maj9#5 Select variation ofC majorguitar chord: 1234567 Hand Posture Notation Score Guitar Tablature ...
There are three flat notes that make up the C minor chord to give it that soft and earnest sound. C, Eb and G The above three notes are the roots of the chord. Its relative major is Eb major and its parallel major is C. Don’t miss out! Be the first to know about new products...
Gm(maj7) G minor, major seventh Whole Note G rootFlat Note Bb b3rdWhole Note D 5thSharp Note F# 7th 111123Barre 6 with Finger 1GDA#GF#D xx3214DA#GF# 5frxx1243GA#F#D 7frxx1124Barre 2 with Finger 1F#DA#G 10frx11324Barre 5 with Finger 1DGA#F#D...
C major chord MajorCmajC7CM7C6C6add9C9C11C13CM9CM11CM13 MinorCmCm7Cm6C6/9Cm9Cm11Cm13CmM7 AugmentedCaugCaug7C9aug5CaugM7CM7#11 DiminishedCdimCdim7CdimM7C7♭5Cm7♭5 IndeterminateC5 SuspendedCsus2Csus4C7sus4 Major third, flat fifthC9♭5C13♭9♭5...
Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of Passacaglia in C minor, BWV 582 - Johann Sebastian Bach for Passacaglia In C Minor, Bwv 582 by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by Jesse David Sykes for Guitar (Mixed Quartet)
Major chords [chords based on a major triad]CC(add9)C6C6/9Cmaj7Cmaj7(9)Cmaj7(13)Cmaj7(#11)Cmaj7(#5)C7C7(9)C7(13)C7(b9)C7(#9)C7(13,b9)C7(b13)C7(#5)C7(b9,b13)C7(#11)C7(b5) Minor chords [chords based on a minor triad]CmCm6Cm6/9Cm(add9)Cm7Cm7(9)Cm7(11)Cm7(13)...
Aka: C-7 add 11 Cmin7 add 11 Cminor7 add 11The C minor seventh add 11 Chord for Guitar has the notes C Eb G Bb F and interval structure 1 m3 5 b7 11 and has 6 possible voicings/fret configurations.The Cm7 add(11) actually is a Cm11 chord Full name: C minor seventh add ...
1 2 3 4 5 6b 7b)非常吻合,因此可以在F7#5和弦上使用F Melodic Major(见下方旋律小调的7个调试...
E flat minor ninth, major seventh Flat Note Eb rootFlat Note Gb b3rdFlat Note Bb 5thWhole Note D 7thWhole Note F 9th x11243Barre 4 with Finger 1FD#F#DA# 4frxx1324F#FD#D 6frx11234Barre 2 with Finger 1A#FDA#F# 10frxx1234FA#DF# 11fr111243Barre 5 with Finger 1A#F#D#DFA#♫...