As you can see, the Cm doesn’t offer the friendliest finger placement for beginner guitar players. That’s why a lot of guitarists opt to play the easier C minor alternative chord over the standard barred version.Check out the finger placement for this alternate version and compare the two...
C Sharp Minor (C#m) Chord on Guitar: 1st Position (v1) Now that you understand the formula used to create a C#m chord, it’s time to play it. One way to play the C#m chord is in the 1st position instandard tuning. To play this version of the C#m chord, you’d place your f...
C barre chord C minor chord Easy C chord: C5 Easy C chord: Cmaj7 Guitar songs using the C major chord Learn the C chord and more with Yousician Learn the songs you love with Yousician Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, Yousician has the tools to help you learn to play an...
Neo Soul Jam C Minor 110bpm All Instruments version BackingTrack 11:02 Neo Soul RnB Guitar Backing Track in C minor 10:05 Power Funk Guitar Backing Track in D Minor 04:41 [BackingTrack] Bossanova 1-6-2-5 in Bb major 15:14 Smooth Funk Backing Track in F Minor 11:02 Jazz Bo...
6步 Am - F - C - G和旋进行 (Spice up Am - F - C - G Chord Progression in 6 Steps) 2167 0 18:54 App 悲伤华尔兹 The Saddest Acoustic Guitar Lesson! (Beginner friendly). Sad Italian Waltz 1811 0 14:35 App E小调和旋 吉他 Spice up Chords in E minor with Something Creative!
MinorCmCm7Cm6C6/9Cm9Cm11Cm13CmM7 AugmentedCaugCaug7C9aug5CaugM7CM7#11 DiminishedCdimCdim7CdimM7C7♭5Cm7♭5 IndeterminateC5 SuspendedCsus2Csus4C7sus4 Major third, flat fifthC9♭5C13♭9♭5 C major chord 1♭22♭334♭55♭66♭77 ...
C6 guitar chord (C Major 6th) Symbols: 6, M6, maj6, add6 Steps: 1-3-5-6 Notes: C-E-G-A The C 6 chord, also known as the major 6th, adds a sixth interval to the major triad. Its notes C, E, G and A give it a sweet and warm sound, often used in jazz, blues, and...
Liittyvää ilmaista musiikkia Relaxing Guitar Loop V5SweetBeats808s 0:18 Lataa Rentouttava Clock Ticking Sound Effect11325622 0:09 Lataa Ilmainen Käyttää Audio Astral / Creepy Dark LogoSoulProdMusic 0:13 Lataa Kammottava Tumma Logo Lataa lisää ...
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Look at the box below and you will see each chord and the notes of that chord. If you were to write your song using these chords, you would be playing in the key of C major. C Major chord C E G D minor chord D F A E minor chord E G B F Major chord F A C G ...