Oracle GoldenGate 19c Microservices Architecture REST API You are viewing an older release. View LatestClose this notice Middleware GoldenGate Oracle GoldenGate Release 19.1Oracle GoldenGate 19c Microservices Architecture REST APITable of Contents Search Download IntroductionExpand All...
Oracle GoldenGate 19c Microservices Architecture REST API Middleware GoldenGate Oracle GoldenGate Release 19.1Oracle GoldenGate 19c Microservices Architecture REST APITable of Contents Search Download 目次Expand AllCollapse All REST APIについて すべてのRESTエンドポイント...
Microservices rely on HTTP or a lightweight message bus to establish a boundary between components; this ensures loose coupling, isolation, location transparency, and provides the means to delegate errors as messages Programmable Microservices provide API’s for access by developers and administrators Com...
La solution Red Hat® OpenShift®est une plateforme basée sur Kubernetes qui permet la mise en œuvre de microservices en fournissant un outil unique pour connecter, gérer et surveiller les applications basées sur des microservices. Elle prend en charge les applications conteneurisées...
1.微服务(Microservices Architecture)是一种架构风格,一个大型复杂软件应用由一个或多个微服务组成。系统中的各个微服务可被独立部署,各个微服务之间是松耦合的。每个微服务仅关注于完成一件任务并很好地完成该任务。在所有情况下,每个任务代表着一个小的业务能力。
Visual Studio 2017是微软于2017年3月8日正式推出的新版本,是迄今为止 最具生产力 的 Visual Studio 版本。其内建工具整合了 .NET Core、Azure 应用程序、微服务(microservices)、Docker容器等所有内容。 获取地址 链接: ...
Performance Engineering for Microservices and Serverless Applications: The RADON Approach Microservices and serverless functions are becoming integral parts of modern cloud-based applications. Tailored performance engineering is needed for assuring that the applications meet their requirements for quality attributes...
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Microservices design and deployment Domain-specific and Multi-aspect IS Engineering IT governance eGovernment Autonomous and smart systems (smart city management, smart vehicles, etc.) IS for healthcare Educational Systems and Learning Analytics Value and supply chain management Industry 4.0 Sustainability ...
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