Notes of the C# melodic minor scale ascending: C♯, D♯, E, F♯, G♯, A♯, B♯, C♯. Notes of the C# melodic minor scale descending: C♯, D♯, E, F♯, G♯, A, B, C♯. (These are the notes of the C# natural minor scale.) The formula for a melodic...
这个理论叫"调的五度循环"。纯五度向上循环,产生升号调或叫升音调。如从C调开始向上第一个纯五度调是G 调,第二个纯五是 D 调,第三个A 调,第四个 E 调,第五个 B 调,请注意从B向上纯五度是 #F 调(这是第六个调) ,从 #F 向上纯五度是 #C 调(第七个调) 。纯五度向下...
in the major scale will also be in the minor scale).b) the Harmonic form of the minor scale will raise the 7th note one semi-tone from what it is supposed to be.c) the Melodic form of the minor scale will raise the 6th and 7th note one semi-tone ascending and then lowerthose ...
(狭指教会调式;广指调式) scale 音阶 key 调 tonality 调性 atonality 无调性 bitonality 双重调性 polytonality 多调性 major 大调 minor 小调 key signature 调号 pentatonic 五声的 natural 自然的 melodic 旋律的 harmonic 和声的 wholewhole-tone 全音的 chromatic 半音的 ascending 上行 descending 下行 调式) ...
7.The huge, shape-shifting Cheshire Cat, dissolving and re-forming before your eyes as the orchestra describes a glissando miaow, is an invention of genius. 8.The Flux members translated those marks into a loose tangle of furtive melodic cells, acidic rebukes, woozy glissandos and flatulent...