Chords related to C (enharmonic equivalents)C on other instruments Guitar Ukulele Violin Cello Viola Bass Mandolin Banjo C Chord Harmonized ProgressionsC major scale harmonized triads C Dm Em F G Am Bdim G major scale harmonized triads G Am Bm C D Em Gbdim ...
Cdim Inversions on pianoChords related to Cdim (enharmonic equivalents)Cdim on other instruments Guitar Ukulele Violin Cello Viola Bass Mandolin Banjo Cdim Chord Harmonized ProgressionsC# major scale harmonized triads C# D#m Fm F# G# A#m Cdim ...
Chords related to Csus4 (enharmonic equivalents)Csus4 on other instruments Piano Ukulele Violin Cello Viola Bass Mandolin Banjo Scales Related to Csus4F natural minor F major F harmonic minor F melodic minor F pentatonic neutral F major pentatonic Eb Diatonic Eb major blues D pentatonic blues ...
Chords related to C (enharmonic equivalents)C on other instruments Piano Ukulele Violin Cello Viola Bass Mandolin Banjo C Chord Harmonized ProgressionsC major scale harmonized triads C Dm Em F G Am Bdim G major scale harmonized triads G Am Bm C D Em Gbdim F major scale harmonized triads ...