大七和弦( Major 7th Chord )=> Cmaj7, Fmaj7 主音(R) +大三度+小三度+大三度EX : Cmaj7 = 属七和弦( Dominant 7th Chord )=> C7, G7 主音(R) +大三度+小三度+小三 度EX : C7 = 小七和弦( Minor 7th Chord )=> Dm7, Em7, Am7主音(R) +小三度+大三度+小三度EX : Cm7 =半减七...
AugmentedCaugCaug7C9aug5CaugM7CM7#11 DiminishedCdimCdim7CdimM7C7♭5Cm7♭5 IndeterminateC5 SuspendedCsus2Csus4C7sus4 Major third, flat fifthC9♭5C13♭9♭5 C major chord 1♭22♭334♭55♭66♭77 CC♯DD♯EFF♯GG♯AA♯B...
C Major 7 Arpeggio is a free jazz guitar lesson byGuy Fenocchiwhere you will learn about the a C Major 7 arpeggio. This arpeggio can be used when soloing to outline a chord or add upper structure tones to other chords. You can also try this arpeggio in other keys by shifting it up ...
Find out how to play the C major chord on piano in our in-depth guide. Video Tutorial ✓ Sheet Music ✓ Inversions ✓ Fingering ✓
C和弦全名叫做Cmajor Chord,我们就直接简称叫做C和弦,在C调的音乐中为主和弦,和声最为稳定。F和弦全名叫Fmajor Chord,简称叫F和弦,在音乐中为下属和弦,它让音乐从稳定趋向于不稳定,G7和弦全名叫Gseven Chord,我们直接念为Gseven和弦,在音乐中是最不稳定的一个和弦,所以下一个和弦往往会是...
We can make C Major more complex and interesting by adding additional notes. It’s like adding spice to your chord – so be careful not to overdo it. These additional notes come from the overall diatonic scale of the note, which takes a bit of time to learn. ...
If you happen to strum that low E string, don’t worry about it. That note is still part of the C major chord (C-E-G). As you get more comfortable playing it you should be able to mute the 6th string with the edge of your ring finger. ...
Hi Guys, This is a Steinway D039; Grand Piano (Yes... The 159K dollar one) I played an atmosphere chord and recorded it. Imported it into a DAW(FL Studio) and reversed them. Of course not forgetting reverberation. This is not a dry sample. You can ask me