大七和弦( Major 7th Chord )=> Cmaj7, Fmaj7 主音(R) +大三度+小三度+大三度EX : Cmaj7 = 属七和弦( Dominant 7th Chord )=> C7, G7 主音(R) +大三度+小三度+小三 度EX : C7 = 小七和弦( Minor 7th Chord )=> Dm7, Em7, Am7主音(R) +小三度+大三度+小三度EX : Cm7 =半减七...
AugmentedCaugCaug7C9aug5CaugM7CM7#11 DiminishedCdimCdim7CdimM7C7♭5Cm7♭5 IndeterminateC5 SuspendedCsus2Csus4C7sus4 Major third, flat fifthC9♭5C13♭9♭5 C major chord 1♭22♭334♭55♭66♭77 CC♯DD♯EFF♯GG♯AA♯B...
C Major 7 Arpeggio is a free jazz guitar lesson byGuy Fenocchiwhere you will learn about the a C Major 7 arpeggio. This arpeggio can be used when soloing to outline a chord or add upper structure tones to other chords. You can also try this arpeggio in other keys by shifting it up ...
Interesting lessons on www.oolimo.com for that chord type: Sus and Add chords Find guitar chords 1. Select key CC#DbDD#EbEFF#GbGG#AbAA#BbB 2. Select chord type Basic chordsCCmC5C(add9)CaugCsus4Csus2Cm(add9) Major chords [chords based on a major triad]CC(add9)C6C6/9Cmaj7Cmaj...
C和弦全名叫做Cmajor Chord,我们就直接简称叫做C和弦,在C调的音乐中为主和弦,和声最为稳定。F和弦全名叫Fmajor Chord,简称叫F和弦,在音乐中为下属和弦,它让音乐从稳定趋向于不稳定,G7和弦全名叫Gseven Chord,我们直接念为Gseven和弦,在音乐中是最不稳定的一个和弦,所以下一个和弦往往会是...
We can make C Major more complex and interesting by adding additional notes. It’s like adding spice to your chord – so be careful not to overdo it. These additional notes come from the overall diatonic scale of the note, which takes a bit of time to learn. ...
If you happen to strum that low E string, don’t worry about it. That note is still part of the C major chord (C-E-G). As you get more comfortable playing it you should be able to mute the 6th string with the edge of your ring finger. ...
Hi Guys, This is a Steinway D039; Grand Piano (Yes... The 159K dollar one) I played an atmosphere chord and recorded it. Imported it into a DAW(FL Studio) and reversed them. Of course not forgetting reverberation. This is not a dry sample. You can ask me