3.Write a C program that calculates the sum of even and odd numbers from 1 to 50 using do-while loops. Click me to see the solution 4.Write a C program that prompts the user to enter a series of numbers until they input a negative number. Calculate and print the sum of all entered...
Operators Booleans If Else Else If Short Hand If Else Switch While Loop Do While Loop For Loop Nested Loops Break and Continue Arrays Array Size Multidimensional Arrays Strings Special Characters String Functions User Input Memory Address Pointers ...
C Programming Looping (while, do while, for Loops) Exercises / ExamplesLooping is the process by which you can give instruction to the compiler to execute a code segment repeatedly, here you will find programs related to c looping – programs using for, while and do while. Here you will ...
6.4 Nested loops(嵌套的循环) 59 Programming pitfalls 62 Quick syntax reference 63 Exercises 63 Chapter Seven Arrays(数组) 65 7.1 Introduction to arrays(引言) 65 7.2 Initialising arrays(数组初始化) 71 7.3 Two-dimensional arrays(二维数组) 72 7.4...
c-programming learn-c-the-hard-way learn-c c-programms c-programming-loops Updated Dec 24, 2020 C pratyush-patwa / learnc Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests Learn c the hard way Practice learn-c-the-hard-way Updated Feb 11, 2018 C enriquereyes / learn-c-the-hard-way Star ...
C-Programming-Exercises.pdf Makefile README.md dynamically_allocated_arrays.c file_IO.c flow_control.c functions.c hello_world.c input_file.txt loops.c pass_command_line_options.c pointers.c structures.c variable_types.c Repository files navigation README C Programming Exam...
It also includes ELF object files and static and dynamic linking which vast numbers of coding examples and exercises. The book also includes many performance-gain techniques like SSE instructions and pre-fetching. You will also learn important Computer Science topics like models of computation and ...
Exercises 48 Chapter Six Iterative Control Statements: while, do-while, and for (循环控制语句:while、do-while和for) 51 6.1 The while statement(while 语句) 51 6.2 The do-while loop(do-while 循环) 52 6.3 The for statement(for 语句) 54 6.4 Nested loops(嵌套的循环) 56 P...
《The C programming language》是2020年西安电子科技大学出版社出版的图书,作者是廖任秀、[新西兰] Lloyd Michael Hasson、王伟斌、陈桂兰。内容简介 There are 12 modules in this textbook,including: C programming overview;types,operators and expressions;input and output;decision making;loops;arrays;...