This is called "short-circuit evaluation." There is a sequence point after the first operand. See Sequence Points for more information.ExamplesThe following examples illustrate the logical operators:复制 int w, x, y, z; if ( x < y && y < z ) printf( "x is less than z\n" ); ...
正如上节所说,逻辑操作符也可以对向量使用,返回的变量类型是同样长度的内置 bool 向量。 有一点需要注意: Cg 中的逻辑与( && )和逻辑或( || )不存在 C 中的短路现象( short-circuiting ,即只用计算一个操作数的 bool 值即可),而是参与运算的操作数据都进行 bool 分析。 6.3数学操作符( Math Operators ) ...
that a constant value of zero was detected on the left side of a logical-and operation that occurs in a test context. The resulting expression always evaluates to false. Therefore, the right side of the logical-AND operation is not evaluated. This is referred to as "short-circuit evaluation...
LogicalOperators(逻辑表达式)•Morecomplexconditionscanbecreatedusingthelogical operationsAND(&&),OR(||),andNOT(!)•Whenthe&&isusedwithtwoexpressions,theconditionis trueonlyifbothexpressionsaretruebythemselves LogicalOperators LogicalOperatorsOperatorsLogical LogicalOperators inti=15,j=30;doublea=12.0,b=...
that a constant value of zero was detected on the left side of a logical-and operation that occurs in a test context. The resulting expression always evaluates to false. Therefore, the right side of the logical-AND operation is not evaluated. This is referred to as "short-circuit evaluation...
that a constant value of zero was detected on the left side of a logical-and operation that occurs in a test context. The resulting expression always evaluates to false. Therefore, the right side of the logical-AND operation is not evaluated. This is referred to as "short-circuit evaluation...
The right side of the logical-or operation is not evaluated because the resulting expression always evaluates to true. This is referred to as "short-circuit evaluation."A non-zero constant value, other than one, suggests that the bitwise-AND operator (&) may have been intended. This warning...
The table also shows that these operators can do what is called “lazy evaluation” or “short circuit evaluation”. The operands are evaluated from left to right. For an and operation, if the left operand is false, the right operand is not even evaluated because the result is known to ...
3) Cast03关系运算符和逻辑运算符(1)关系运算符(1) Relational operators例:(1为真,0为假)Example: (1 is true, 0 is false)(2)逻辑运算符(2) Logical operator(3)短路求值(3) Short-circuit evaluationC语言对逻辑与与逻辑或采用短路求值C language uses short circuit evaluation for logical AND...