根据xilinx官网介绍。 在vivado中$clog2,它能编译通过,但是在实际中,它的底数是自然数e=2.71828.。。 所以在调用这个的时候要小心。 这里可以用一个function函数处理: function integer funclog2; input integer value; begin value = value-1; for (funclog2=0; value>0; funclog2=funclog2+1) value = ...
The C <math.h> log2() function returns the base-2 (binary) logarithm of a given number. Syntax: double log2(double x);
module clog2(a,b);parameter depth = 2034;input [$clog2(depth)-1:0] a;output [$clog2(depth)-1:0]b;//details about the designendmodule 四、额外补充 在Xlinix的官网的“44586 - 13.2 Verilog $clog2 function implemented improperly”中,作者发现了13.2版本的Xlinix的ISE对clog2系统函数的错误...
比如:设计一个同步FIFO,输出信号fifo_cnt(计数器)是对写入FIFO的数据进行计数的寄存器,其最大值即为FIFO的深度DATA_DEPTH ,所以fifo_cnt的位宽就需要在定义模块输入输出端口时确定,显然这无法使用自己构造的 cblogb2 Function。那该当如何? //计数器法实现同步FIFO module sync_fifo_cnt #( parameter DATA_WIDTH ...
printf("%f", log2(64.0)); printf("%f", log2(10.0)); printf("%f", log2(3.1623)); printf("%f", log2(1.0)); printf("%f", log2(0.0)); printf("%f", log2(-1.0)); Try it Yourself » Definition and UsageThe log2() function returns the base 2 logarithm of a number....
2 #(parameterNUM_UNITS=5) 3 (input[$clog2(NUM_UNITS)-1:0]active_unit); 4 5 initial 6 $monitor("active_unit = %b",active_unit); 7 endmodule Log Share 2030views and0likesPublic (anyone with the link can view)Published (will appear in search results)Private (only you can view)...
Vivado Synthesis does not seem to support the Verilog-2005 $clog2 function as part of Verilog 2001 support, but does support it as part of the System Verilog support. Solution The tool has support for Verilog 2001 and System Verilog; this function is supported as part of the System Verilog...
1、C语言中,有两个log函数,分别为log10和log函数,具体用法如下:2、函数名: log10 功 能: 对数函数log,以10为底 用 法: double log10(double x);程序示例:include <math.h> include <stdio.h>int main(void){ double result;double x = 800.6872;result = log10(x);printf("The...
Wen calling $clog2 (variable) in systemVerilog, the tool complained: [Synth 8-280] expression must be constant: argument to $clog2I replaced $clog2 function with my log2 function (below), then the tools throw another error: [Synth 8-3380] loop cond...
1、C语言中,有两个log函数,分别为log10和log函数,具体用法如下:2、函数名: log10 功 能: 对数函数log,以10为底 用 法: double log10(double x);程序示例:include <math.h> include <stdio.h>int main(void){ double result;double x = 800.6872;result = log10(x);printf("The...