Dear you, this is the Learning Yard. Today, Xiaobian brings you C language (IV): sentences.1if语句(1)(如果怎样就怎样)if(){ //程序块}(1) (Do as you like) if() { //program block}(2)if(){ //程序块}else{ //程序块}(2) If() { //program block} else {...
摘要:选择语句在C语⾔程序设计中⼴泛使⽤,本⽂分析了C语⾔中选择语句之间的关系,尤其对if-else语句的嵌套关系进⾏了阐述说明, 在分析复杂嵌套关系时,强调else与if的对应关系,从⽽可以更好地理解程序,得出准确的结果。 关键词:选择;嵌套;分析 Select statement in C language program is widely used ...
if(c>='a'&&c<='z') c="c-32"; #else if(c>='A'&&c<='Z') c="c"+32; #endif printf("%c",c); } } 运行结果为:C LANGUAGE 现在先定义LETTER为1,这样在预处理条件编译命令时,由于LETTER为真(非零),则对第一个if语句进行编译,运行时使小写字母变大写。如果将程序第一行改为: #define...
(1). K&R风格,Kernighan和Ritchie共同完成C语言”白皮书”C Programing Language一书的时候使用的风格。由于此书被当时的C程序员誉为C语言圣经,所以此风格也被争相模仿。左边的花括号出现在行的末尾。通过缩进保持代码的紧凑,缺点是不容易找到左边的花括号: if (line_num == MAX_LINES) { line_num = 0; page...
= Random.Range(1,101);class_science = Random.Range(1,101);class_history = Random.Range(1,101);class_foreign = Random.Range(1,101);average = (class_language + class_math + class_science + class_history + class_foreign)/5;if(average >=90){ Debug.Log("学业评分是A");}else if(...
6、ine LETTER 1 main() char str20="C Language",c; int i="0" while(c=stri)!='0') i+; #if LETTER if(c>='a'&&c<='z') c="c-32" #else if(c>='A'&&c<='Z') c="c"+32; #endif printf("%c",c); 运行结果 7、为:C LANGUAGE 现在先定义LETTER为1,这样在预处理条件编译...
So, in C if-else statement, we have an if block followed by else block. If the condition is true, if block is executed, and if the condition is false, else
The pre-processor directives#if,#elif,#else,#endifare used as conditional compilation, whenever we need to compile specify code segments, we use these pre-processor directives. Let's consider the following example #include<stdio.h>#defineENG_US 1#defineENG_UK 2#defineFRENCH 3#defineLANGUAGE EN...
If else statements in C language | Conditional statements in C- C Language Conditional Statements. This section provides you brief description about C Language Conditional Statements – Simple if else conditions, if else conditions, ladder/multiple if e
C语⾔的保留字:auto、break、case、char、const 、continue、default、do、double 、else、enum、extern、float、for、goto、if、int、long、register、return、short、signed、sizeof、static、 struct、switch、typedef、union、unsigned、void、volatile、while、inline、restrict赋值和初始化int price = 0;这⼀⾏...