数字媒体艺术长江论坛|clab是数字媒体艺术领域权威、专业、多维度的学术交流平台。目前为止,论坛已成功举办4届,共吸引了全国超过千名知名专家学者、业界精英和行业翘楚汇聚一堂,激荡观点、碰撞思想、赋能未来。 第5届数字媒体艺术长江论坛|c...
A great example of a postmortem from Gitlab (01/31/2017) for an outage during which an engineer's action caused the irremediable loss of 6 hours of data. Blameless PostMortems and a Just Culture A list of postmortems on Github Google's SRE book, Postmortem chapter is excellent and includes...
新加坡BCA living Lab:零能耗建筑(ZEB)是新加坡一个三层楼高的节能建筑的现实展示,通过系统地采用创新的节能和可再生技术,使消耗的能源与产生的能源一样多。作为东南亚第一座由现有建筑改造而成的零能耗建筑,它标志着新加坡迈向可持续建筑环...
//answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/sign-in-to-games-for-windows-live-error-this-page/0a82e2ce-0880-4fc7-8e15-bca7b5425eb6 2018-02-27T18:52:50.0000000Z https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/when-trying-to-run-the-scanpstexe-utility-to-clean/aa79740a...
Expression of HLA-C varies widely across individuals in an allele-specific manner. This variation in expression can influence efficacy of the immune response, as shown for infectious and autoimmune diseases. MicroRNA binding partially influences differen
WII Recruitment 2025:The Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, has announced a notification for theTechnical Assistant/Scientist-C/Junior Stenographer/Assistant Grade III/Driver/Cook/Lab Attendantposts. There are a total of about20vacanciesavailable for WII Dehradun Recruitment. Candidates withB.E/B....
https://gist.github.com/mbinna/c61dbb39bca0e4fb7d1f73b0d66a4fd1 1. 环境 首先查询下自己linux的工具版本,命令如下: g++ -vmake- v cmake -version 我这里的版本为:gcc 9.2.1, GNU Make 4.2.1, cmake 3.13.4 2. 基础知识 2.1 最基本的CmakeList.txt ...
Programs are - // currently owned by the compilation cache which means we must wait for - // program completion in the destructor. There are multiple compilation caches - // around, which complicates things a little. Perhaps having programs be - // shared_ptrs (an invasive change) would ...
1 Slowly-cycling stem cells located near crypt bottoms produce rapidly-cycling progenitor cells in mid-crypts, which initiate programs of lineage commitment through complex regulatory signaling,2 forming mature absorptive cells or enterocytes and secretory cells, including mucus-producing goblet cells and ...
See Supplementary Data 3 for statistical analysis and replicate data. Construction of cct C. elegans expression plasmids. To construct the cct C. elegans expression plasmids, pPD95.77 from the Fire Lab kit was digested with SphI and XmaI to insert 3.6KB of the sur5 promoter. The resultant ...