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Company's Consolidated Statements of Operations also reflects results of operations up to the date of sale and gain/(loss) on the sale of the Company's Mexico department stores, which were sold in 2003, as well as subsequent tax adjustments related to the 2001 sale of the assets of J. C...
Current labour laws do inhibit productivity in labour intensive and export oriented manufacturing sectors such as clothing by making it difficult for firms to shed workers rendered redundant by changing market or production conditions. But these sectors account for less than ...
That meant that even though I was afield a lot, I really didn’t have a scrap of clothing that was designed for the outdoors. We had a custom of opening a few gifts on Christmas Eve from our parents, and we were all gathered in the living room following dinner, engaged in our ...
8.Being less than perfectly well-dressed in a business setting can result in a feeling of great discomfort that may well require treatment to eliminate.And the sad truth is that"clothing mismatches"on the job can ruin the day of the person who is wearing the inappropriate attire(着装)-and ...
Emert, Carol
Gail A. Cottle has been Executive Vice President - Nordstrom Product Group General Manager since 1996, when men's clothing, footwear and cosmetics were added to this group. The Faconnable business unit was added to this group in 1999. Prior to 1996, she was Executive Vice President of women...
J.C. Penney banks on permanent 40% markdowns After the report, Moody's Investors Services downgraded Penney's rating deeper into junk-bond terrain. The bleak performance marked the second-straight quarter of severe sales declines since Penney got rid of most steep, temporary discounts in favor...