cricetuluslongicaudat cricket chess cricket n cricket video games v cried quarter crime and punishm crime and punishment crime enquiry registe crime level crime liability crime mapping crime n crime of abusing memb crime of bigamy crime of coercing oth crime of divulging th crime of fabrication crim...
crib spread crib-type cofferdam cribellatae cribs libis cribtimbering cribtypecofferdam cricetulus barabensis cricke colors cricket frog cricket reading books crico-tracheal membra cricothyroid chinese cricumcise cridit review cries finally cries out for crigler-najjar crimal crime - crime distributive...
00 The Young Apprentice's Craft 青年学徒的技艺 01:06 The Secret of the Ancient River 古代河流的秘密 01:03 The Compass and the Clues 指南针与线索 00:59 The Brave Navigator 勇敢的航海家 01:09 The Brave Explorer's First Climb 勇敢探险家的第一爬 00:58 The Little Craftsman's Creation 小...
Cricket Wireless CRICKIT Crickle Daisy Cricut Crieff Hydro Hotel & Resort Crimify Criminal Damage Criminal Injuries Helpline Crimson and Clover Studio Crimson Trace Crispbln Cristal Forest CPA Cristal Hoteis cristal-jewelry Cristalica DE Cristel USA INC Cristiano Calzature It Cristianzerotre IT Criteo ...
板球 蟋蟀 cricket; crime n.罪, 罪行; 犯罪 criminal n.犯人, 罪犯, 刑事犯 残废的人 on cripple n.跛子; n.危机 存亡之际 crisis; critic n.批评家, 爱挑剔的人 critical a.决定性的; 批评的 criticism n.批评; 批判; 评论 criticize vt.批评; 评论; 非难 crop n.农作物, 庄稼; 一熟 cross vt...
The children are becoming used to the pool being closed and bicycle on the road. Down the driveway of the now empty businesses careens Tommy. There could be a permanent cricket pitch on our cul de sac now. A friend sends me a video of a rat gnawing at her laundry drain from within ...
235. His wicked trick is to get the kids to kick bricks and lick the cricket ticket.他的有恶意的计谋是让那些孩子踢砖并且舐板球比赛票。236. The thin sick chicken picks the thick sticky stick quickly.薄的生病的鸡肉迅速挑厚的发粘的棍...
Muntz conceived the craft for canine comfort.飞船的设计甚至考虑到了犬类的舒适 It's a veritable floating palace in the sky,它是座名副其实的空中宫殿 complete with doggy bath and mechanical canine walker.设有犬类梳洗和自动跑步设备 And, Jiminy Cricket do the locals consider Muntz the bee's knees...
Cricket Experience 想要体验一项全新的体育文化?来孟加拉文化体验区学习板球的基础规则和技术动作,深入了解板球的文化背景,接受满满干货! Wanna experience a whole new sporting culture? Visit the Bengal Cultural Experience Zone to learn the ba...