12. What is the difference between deep copy and shallow copy in C? In a shallow copy, if the object contains pointers or references to otherdata structures, then it will only copy the current pointer, not the data it is pointing to. It is more memory efficient but the data is shared ...
most asked interview questions for C/C++ 1.compared to prefix++, postfix increment needs one more step to create a temporary variable? what's more , the return type is not reference, there will be another temp var being created to store the return value. int&operator++(int&a) { ++a;re...
C Interview Questionsc questions for interview
Comprehensive, community-driven list of essential C interview questions. Whether you're a candidate or interviewer, these interview questions will help prepare you for your next C interview ahead of time.
C Interview Questions AND ANSWERc interview questionsanswers doc
In this article, we will discuss some interesting problems on C language that can help students to brush up their C programming skills and help them prepare their C fundamentals for interviews. Question: There is a hidden problem with the following code.
Top 20 C & C++ Interview Questions 1. Define Storage Classes and explain application domain. register- tell to the compiler for use a CPU register for fast aceess for that variable. auto- it's a variable created and initialized when it is defined. It is not visible outside of the block...
The C programming app will teach you everything to help you crack C programming interview questions. C programming is a general-purpose programming language.…
Pankaj-Str/C-Interview-QuestionsPublic Notifications Fork0 Star21 main 1Branch 0Tags Code Repository files navigation README 100 Interview Questions - Question 1:Question:Write a C program that prints numbers from 1 to 10 using aforloop.Expected Output: ...
Embedded C programming Interview Questions and Answers: This page contains some of the top Interview questions and Answers of Embedded C programming language.